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Posts posted by Stan`

  1. Did you make a template for it ? And modify the template of the unit you want to be able to build it ? This is complicated I know but it's how it works. If your model is nice (Haven't checked yet) would you want to see it in an eyecandy mod ? I gather all the eyecandy we can find for scenarios.

  2. Okay I investigated further and with the help of leper found the source :https://github.com/0ADMods/han_china/commit/7c3c8253fd33e91948b15b7f97da7ed22e04afcf

    [23:07] <Stan> Can someone help me understand why those errors only appears on A16 ? http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/uploads//monthly_07_2014/post-12287-0-93018300-1406145199.png[23:09] <@leper> what is the first error[23:09] <@leper> (interestinglog should help)[23:11] <@leper> the errors on the left seem to be caused by missing skirm defs in the mod (as it was released for a16 and isn't meant to be used with it anymore)[23:11] <@leper> (not missing but not in the format a16 expects)[23:12] <Stan> I have only one interesting log.html, and it's empty...[23:15] <Stan> leper: What are those skirm defs ?[23:16] <@leper> you started the game again after those errors (that's why it's empty[23:16] <@leper> they tell the game what entities to use on skirmish maps[23:17] <Stan> Oh hold on gonna launch it again[23:17] <@leper> (and it works for some units in the mod because the default fits (it replaces {civ} in the templates))[23:18] <@leper> but for one unit that one doesn't exist for chin and thus you get errors because the default is wrong (and since some commit some time after the mod release) no a16 compatible skirm replacements are there[23:19] <@leper> TL;DR the git version of the mod is not compatible with a16[23:20] <Stan> I opened the file[23:20] <Stan> he can't find cached version of the templates[23:21] <Stan> Is there a way I can make it compatible until A17 or do I have to tell everyone to use svn leper  ?[23:24] <@leper> 7c3c8253fd33e91948b15b7f97da7ed22e04afcf is the commit that changed it[23:25] <@leper> but if you add that files again (ignore the map changes) you'll get errors with svn[23:25] <@leper> and there was a reason to release the mod for a16 ;-)[23:25] <@leper> (to be able to follow svn after that (because it makes some stuff easier))[23:26] <@leper> so I'd tell them to either use svn or not use the git version of the mod[23:26] <Stan> Which would be lame because they'd miss Enrique's superb buildings and my crappy work [23:26] <Stan> okay thanks leper 

    So now I'm sorry to say that, but you should either go on SVN, or play the A16 release...

    If you guys need help on how to get svn I'm here to help you.

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