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Posts posted by SUD

  1. Life hasnt been created in a test tube because human knowledge is still limited. We already made phase 1 in laboratory: from elements like hidrogen, carbon, nitrogen.. and an electric discharge more complex molecules like sugar, aminoacids... are created, it's just physics and chemistry. Phase 2 is that from these molecules create a "lifeform", it is absolutely possible to do it, it's just that our knowledge and technics to do it arent that advanced and as Adam said it would take sooooooo much work and time.

    As an anectote to see how much complex life is, I study 3rd year of Biology at college and I went once to the Microbiology department to ask something to a teacher, in one of the walls in the lobby I saw a large poster (like 1-2 m long, 1 m tall) full of small text, numbers and arrows (small text like font size 9 or something), all of these letters, numbers and arrows were representing a little part of cell's known metabolism, thousands and thousands of molecules and reactions! It was scary huge!! And it was only a little part, the cycle of Krebs and other things around it, so imagine how big it might be to imitate all of these to create a lifeform. Through evolution life arrived where it arrived a very simple way: test and error 10000000000000... times; test and success 1 time

  2. Thx very much :D

    Btw I have DDR. I will up to 512 when I have the chance

    Also I have to rise from the ashes my old PII 300 , it needs a life-or-death operation (change HD) :P Aah, the good old moments...

  3. That theory is absolutely possible, since the life we know originated following totally random steps, it is possible that in other places and under different conditions (atmosphere, temperature, etc) the molecules joined in different ways than they did in Earth... who knows ;)

    One sure fact, although is that Earth life is very stable, quite armonious equilibrium of the right molecules with the right properties for the right ambient. Other thing than carbon based life is very hard to imagine because of the special properties of carbon, and we already know all (non rare radiactive) elements of the Periodic Table, right? so there is nothing better than carbon to make living organisms.

  4. Why life is pure chance? Because evolution is pure chance, all steps in evolution even the smallest one are aleatory, absolute chance. That's the basis of life.

    Life came into our planet by pure chance because carbon, hidrogene, nitrogene, sulphur, oxygene and other elements in aquose medium and with energy discharges formed more complex substances like glucids, aminoacids, nucleic acids, oil acids (sp?) and others. These substances, by pure chance, united into more complex organizations, with dependences of reactions one of each other, chained and effective work; evolution made the sucessful tests to continue developing, while it deleted the failed or non effective tests. These complex organizations, again by pure chance (as every step in evolution) united into what could be called a "primitive lifeform", something similar to a bacteria. Bacterias (prochariotes) evolved independently and one of its branches evolved into the euchariotes, these cells learned to group together and so we have now all animals and vegetals.

    There is no divine intervention in any of the steps, it's pretty clear that all happened "just by chance", we are a product of coincidence, we are an accident, a fancy of evolution, physics and chemistry.

  5. Though the origin of life in our planet is due to coincidence, and the origin of intelligent life is even more coincidence it's very hard this could have happened in other places in the universe.

    It is quite probable that microorganism life exist beyond Earth because it's not that "hard" to "create" a bacteria (well it is, but compared to an intelligent and complex lifeform it isnt)

    It's very hard that aliens could exist, but I still believe in them because there have been so many recordings of stories and people who have seen weird stuff that I am intrigued.

  6. I believe but I also dont believe...ghosts is something that disturbs me quite a lot and I tend to respect it even if it exists or not.

    Btw, did you ever realize that aliens are just the same as the old ancient goblins, imps and other mythos? they are the same appearance, they just changed slightly, now they kidnap people ;)

  7. Oh by the way, I am Spanish and the US reminds me too much the old Spanish empire of the XVI and XVII centuries, I explain: Spain at the edge of its power was into war and frontier control business all over the world, and how did it end? in total collapse: no money, no army, extreme poverty and famine. What is the US doing now? controlling all the world, physically or by hard influence, and as the Spanish got for example Flandes, the British or the increasing wars out of their hands it's happening the same to the US with all the anti-americanism in the world. It even happened to Rome at its time.

    -What happened to Rome: vanquished and dissapeared completely, maybe the most important reason why Rome fell was that it consumed itself

    -What happened to Spanish empire: by the begining of XVIII century Spain changed of royal family and these started a new politic: they kept Spain as a secondary/minor power, not involving it in so many wars and living their lives away of the European struggles, this also applies even to WWI, we were neutral (WW2 neutrality was different because there was a dictatorial regime and there were other reasons), but since the collapse of the empire Spain always kept secondary.

    -What will happen to the US: fall completely apart (read my previous post) or survive as a minor power? The fact it will fall sooner or later is absolutely clear

  8. Actually I think the whole so called 'civilized' world will collapse in a matter of years into anarchy world, if not 20 it will be 50 years, if not 50 then 100, but soon.

    No, I havent seen too much Mad Max but being realistic, we are way too much dependant on oil, we should have already started to increase the use of new resources but we didnt, oil will deplete in a few years and we are not ready for that, everyone will have a bad time when this happens.

    What will probably happen these years to come? Simple: the US is seeing that oil wont last forever and has already started a run for oil places around the world (Iraq as the first one; yeah, tell me that the war purpose was to free people from a sadistic but the obscure and maybe true purpose was always oil); the US wants to get control over oil, and I think that's what will doom them (and all of us, I guess), why? because

    -first they will gain a lot of enemies trying to get control over oil, maybe even its allies, Europe without oil? possible

    -second they will obviously use oil for themselves while the rest of the world will be screwed being in total anarchy: end of cities, industry, machinery would stop working, no electricity, etc, back to the middle ages.

    Maybe the US will survive with its oil but with such a huge country not for long, maybe as a smaller country or state with oil control, and I hope that for god's sake investigate/use oil replacements. As for the rest of the world: a new dark age of tribal/law of the jungle life (with a possibility of recovery in a distant future) or extinction.

    Not only oil, if we sum the United States current imperialistic policy towards the world (police, terrorism hunting, etc) then we have a coktail that's about to explode soon.

    But of course this could happen in a different way, what if what I said about what the US would do applies to the EU or China or other country? The result would be the same : end of the civilized world

    And also add how bad our planet is becoming: ozone, mass contamination, deforestation, animal extinction ... I am a biologist and this concerns me a lot, sadly, the situation is very bad. In 15 years only a 5% of virgin jungle will remain, no trees= too much CO2, too much CO2= too much heat, too much heat= imagine yourself...

    In the past the empires and nations of Earth rose and fell again and again since the awakening of men, but there is a slight difference this time: in the past the Earth was almost untouched, now it is deteriorated in an ever increasing way.

    As for yourselves, how do you think humans will live in the near future?

    1) The utopic high-tech life with all sorts of commodities (robots, genetic engineering etc), peace and all our problems solved, or...

    2) The apocalyptic anarchic life I described above

    3) or maybe a combination of the two, good life for the rich living confined in cities, bad life for 95% of the world living in the wastes.

    SUMMARY for those that dont like reading ;) : We are not ready for the time when oil depletes and world will suffer

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