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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. Technically I think so, but wouldn't this qualify as fair use? Anyways, I thought that SDII checked in singleplayer as well, so the problem shouldn't be limited to multiplayer (if that's the case of course). Oh well, I'm no tech guru, so good luck :)

  2. Quacker:


    Right now I don't think there's much hope for democracy, and that it would actually be detrimental to what the US and the rest of the western world is striving for. I wrote something about this waay back, where I mentioned that I think democracy needs to have a foundation. By that I mean, a democracy without education and with internal fighting will not work out as well. Imo having a ruling council or whatever with a predecided amount of time could establish these foundations (aka, get rid of the terrorists, or atleast the effects of them, get some kind of education going and such). After this, I think democracy should be implemented asap.

    As for democracy at this stage, I think it's nothing but a show for the cameras. Don't get me wrong here, I support democracy, and I believe there is no better way to rule a country. However, it has limitations in that the people rule. If the people are unable to rule themselves, then democracy will not work.

    What I would love to happen now, but something I'm certain won't happen, is that a council selected by the US/UN/other international body can rule Iraq for 2 or 3 years. After that, there could be elections if the situation at the time allows it. If not, the council is exchanged, and the same idea is given one or two more years. Rinse and repeat ;)

    I don't like the idea of seperating the country on religious ideas though. As Klaas and Matteo say, the religious groups are not completely seperated and there are more than just the major ones. Somehow the groups have to be brought together.

  3. Agreed wholeheartedly.  I'm liking the HoI lately, maybe because my posts fit more into the I part (at least, I hope so ;))

    They do :) You're supporting your statements way better, so that you don't get a bunch of people after you straight away like you did. Regardless of whether your opinions have changed (I don't think they have ;)), your posts have become much better.

    Now then, as for Mike's post:

    First off, great post, it deserves it's own topic, but since it's already in here, who cares. I think you're absolutely right in that terrorists are an effect of our society (for the most part, there are as always exceptions). That's why my biggest issue with GWB was when he said "you're either with us or against us" regarding the terrorist fighting. While I think he's absolutely correct in that we need to fight terrorists, I think the manner in which he chooses to do it is completely wrong. Since the only two options were both "bad", that put countries in somewhat of a predicament.

    a) we support the US, keep a united front against terrorism. However, we fight it in one of the worst ways possible.

    :D we do not support the US, and do not keep a united front. However, we are able to fight the terrorists in a way that we (uh, I :P) believe is the right way.

    I believe that's why he got so many countries and people against him, and that in turn is why he isn't exactly popular internationally.

    That turned into more of a spinoff on the post than a reply, sorry about that :S

  4. For bases, think of it like this,


    In a 10 base system, this corresponds to

    1*10^2+2*10^1+3*10^0+4*10^(-1)+5*10^(-2)+6*10^(-3) = 123.456 (duh :P)

    When you use different bases you just switch the ten to that new base.

    Using base 2, you'd get


    (which I don't feel like calculating right now, but that should illustrate the concept :beer:)

  5. Fox basically just declared Bush winner of Ohio...Which they can't really do, since there are more votes to be counted than the difference at the moment IIRC. Oh well, I think they're right, but since they're supposed to be a news station...

  6. Great sitest! I clearly prefer the second one though. The first one is missing something at the top centre, where there's usually a logo or banner or something.

    The search form should go where you had it in the first layout imo (That is, upper right corner, underneath the log in, search and frontpage links). Also, there should be atleast a shade of green in the upper left corner (by the logo) so it's not completely white.

    Nice work :)

  7. I don't think casual users will have problems with the browser at this point. The problems usually come with skins and extensions, which "normal" users won't be getting anyway. So I don't see it as a problem.

    OTOH, the language barrier is huge, but as long as the target audience speaks english, I don't really see the problem. The ad they're planning to run now is targeted against english-speaking persons, and they certainly won't need a language pack... Whether you agree with the idea of the paper-ad, I think they're the right thing with advertising now, considering the security problems IE has had lately. Waiting would mean missing out on a huge opportunity, for ,imo, very little to no reason at all (remember that the ads are targeted towards mostly english-speaking persons).

    Anyways, I'm not really fanatic about this campaign, so I might be missing some facts that'd put it in a very different light. However, this is how I feel at the moment ;)

  8. The thing is though, we (swedes and it seems that most european countries are almost the same) pay through the higher taxes. The universities in the US are paid through private funds/scholarships. Adam's university is also an Ivy League school, and they all have what's called "need-blind" admissions. That means they admit anyone good enough, and then make sure that they can afford going there. Princeton for example pays 60 million dollars in scholarships a year. To pay for that they have higher fees to balance it out I guess.

  9. I've got Medieval total war and the expansion pack. The expansion pack requires directX9. I've tried installing that once, and it always crashed on me. I'm wondering if that has anything to do with my old graphics card, or if there could be something else...

    My specs:

    Pentium III 1GHz

    256 MB RAM


    Windows XP HE

    I'm wondering cause it won't start without DX9 and I frankly don't feel like installing it :) However, it also says the graphics card is supported, and I don't want to buy a new graphics card either.

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