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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-07-15 in all areas

  1. Hello, I find this project really interesting so I spent some time to be a part of it, and so I made a new icon for the game. Hope you like it! I also made a new logo, not sure if it's 100% ready. Apreciate any feedback! (too dark? it looks different on darker backgrounds...) I have also started on a logo-animation, but it's far from finished and I don't even know to what it would be used, so I think I will wait with finishing it. I can't upload the project files (.blend). Any ideas? I see this contribution just as the beginning, next thing i'm interested in is the UI, and that in a broader sense, not only in terms of GUI but also how you select units, give orders and so on. I also have some ideas for gameplay changes, but they are so extensive that I would probably have to make a seperate mod to implement them in (and that might be too much work). I got experience with 3d editing, video editing, some 2d graphics, music and even some programming (very little). Looking forward to the future of this project!
    3 points
  2. Whatever happened to the idea of giving the Castra Vallum (Entrenched Camp) the ability to be upgraded into a Forum (Civic Center)?
    1 point
  3. Since we have such building, why don't the team create policy option for the Successor states so that player may choose a certain policy for certain situation. For example, a Ptolemaic player may choose a policy that favors foreign mercanaries and landholders as the staple of their fighting forces thus making native troops no longer available for the player and in return other foreign troops are available for player to recruit, on the other hand a player who favors native troops may found themselves being unable to recruit certain foreign mercenaries and they have to suffer a higher cost for other non native troops.
    1 point
  4. I don't have a Windows installation in my home, and as the Actor editor is broken on Linux, I can't help with that. Someone else could probably do it. And for the fields, if you have lots of props on different places, you can indeed have terrain adjusting wheat.
    1 point
  5. Leper got it in the game, and Historic Bruno fixed a Windows problem. So the horses in the Persian stables will adjust to the terrain height, and new buildings can also use this. Btw, there are many possibilities. When a building exists out of two parts (like the L shaped blacksmiths), you can have one part added as a prop, so they move a bit relative to the terrain. But I'll leave it to you artists to see what's nice.
    1 point
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