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  1. That is the plan, we're currently making an announcement draft that should explain the changes so regular players can understand it.
    3 points
  2. I think to have to choose between dynasties that existed in parallel would be better, and IMO would also be more meaningful if the difference is clearer as in Jin vs Southern Song, like having to choose between having strong cavalry or heavy infantry. It will also mean opportunities for people to make campaign or scenarios about wars between the two such as a campaign about Yue Fei. I guess you can always have pre-reform tech represented by Northern Song.
    1 point
  3. Hm, I can create some capturing animations if that helps. Also some tiny update on the 3D model:
    1 point
  4. It's because we moved away from the _generic_ phases. See http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19838 The problem was that, to add a civ-specific town or city phase, the according _generic_ technology had to be edited, as it had the civ-specific techs as a requirement for autoresearch. This meant that it was impossible to combine two mods that both had a civ with a civ-specific phase (as one mod would overwrite the tech of the other mod, resulting in a civ that can't research one of the phases). So we moved to the "replaces" key, in which a tech can "replace" a different tech, and unlock all its content without applying its modifications or its cost. So currently, the _generic_ phases are removed, and the effects are stored in the regular phase tech and the athen phase tech, while the athen phase tech replaces the regular one, so unlocks the same features. See http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/16678/ for the commit that removed the generic techs.
    1 point
  5. I hope this works: It shows the destroyed main gate which is the one I'm on about. IMHO, maybe it's much too early to talk about Ming Dynasty now! As it's likely this mod will now be made of 3 parts, the Ming should be a separate faction altogether for part 3, which is going to be quite some time in the future. Save the Ming part of the proposal somewhere though for future reference! However perhaps we can still preserve some of that 'reform tech'? We can maybe have the part 2 Chinese faction be able to choose between Southern Song or Jin as part of their phase 3 upgrade or something else? Which unlocks corresponding advanced units.
    1 point
  6. So the new pathfinder will be on the next alpha? Maybe making announcements on social media (fb, twitter, moddb) with screenshots and videos saying that you need testers would make come more players.
    1 point
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