It is my opinion that it isn't necessary that Part 2 civs correlate with Part 1 civs. It stretches things quite a bit to say that the Eastern Romans (Early Byzantines) equate with the Athenians in Part 1. If anything, I would have equated them with the Macedonians, but then now we are arguing over something unnecessary. I say just go with the civs that make the most sense from a gameplay and historical POV. My favored civs right now are: Culture: Roman Imperial Romans of the "5 Good Emperors" era.Struggles with the Germans, Parthians, etc.Rome at its height.Culture: Greek Early Byzantines (Constantine to Justinian, which allows a cool hero like Belisarius)A good foil for the Sassanians if we choose to include them.Some great architecture and unit rosters that will look unique from the Imperial Romans.Can mix many units with Imperial Roman architecture for a "Late Western Rome" civ for Hunnish scenarios. Culture: German As a culture, they have weak, but fast-building structures, so they capture territory quickly, but may lose it just as quickly. FranksMarcomanni or Alemanni? Which would be best?GothsCulture: Steppes Nomad These as a culture have packing buildings and things like ox carts for dropsites. They also have mighty bonuses in looting and plunder. These civs rely more on cavalry than any other culture. HunsSarmatiansCulture: Eastern ParthiansSassanidsWar elephants.PalmyrenesA mix of Roman and Eastern units; Roman, Eastern, and Greek architecture.Culture: Dacian DaciansCulture: Indian GuptasNot a carbon copy of the Mauryans, the Guptas have strong stone buildings and defenses and no chariots.The above list would give us 12, like in Part 1. Could be convinced to drop the Palmyrenes for another German faction, but that would seem to overbalance civs toward the German culture.