Hello everyone! As you may know, we're in the process of releasing the next alpha version of 0 A.D., Alpha XVII Quercus. Throughout several phases, we prepare the release to offer you a top quality, playable version with brand new features. For two weeks now, we've been in what we call the feature freeze. The idea is to stop adding new features, and focus on remaining bugs that could harm the players' experience. To spot bugs and fix them, we organized some Staff Multiplayer sessions the past weeks, but today, we'd like the entire community to lend us a hand and participate to this session! How to participate: This might be a bit tricky, but you'll have to install the development version of the game. You must follow the instructions that are given in this page: BuildInstructions. Windows users: you only have to follow these instructions, no need to compile the game and everything! Beware: This procedure is quite straightforward, but it can take much time, so prepare yourself in advance if you can... If you encounter problems, please post in this thread and we'll answer as soon as possible. We'll gather in the IRC channel #0ad (http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=0ad) at 18:00GMT. Go to this page to know which hour it will be in your local timezone. Objective: For this session, we must verify some memory issues have been fixed. So the idea will be to organize large games, 3v3 or even 4v4. Individualist players, you're warned! The principal objective is still to have fun together! We hope to see many of you tonight, to discover this preview and, hopefully, ensure we can release it really soon! Cheers