Hello, this is my first post, so I would like to thank you all for the amazing work done for this game. In any case, I've found some mistakes in the Roman names: Wrong name ----> Correct name Triarus ----> Triarius http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triarii Princips ----> Princeps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principes Pontifex Minoris ----> Pontifex Minor http://latindictiona...adjective:minor (as you can see minoris is the genitive form) Aedes Iupiter Optimo Maximo ----> Aedes Iovis Optimi Maximi http://en.wikipedia....Optimus_Maximus Porta Circummunitio ----> Porta Circummunitionis http://latindictiona....com/noun:ratio Ratio is declinated in the same way of circummunitio, so Porta Circummunitionis is correct because it means "Gate of the surrounding fortification" while Porta Circummunitio can be rendered in english as "Gate, surrounding fortification" (in latin there were no commas) Turris Circummunitio ----> Turris Circummunitionis the same Eques Consulares ----> Eques Consularis http://en.wiktionary...wiki/consularis Liburnus ----> Liburna http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liburna Triremis Romanum ----> Triremis Romana as you can see here http://www.dicolatin...REMIS/index.htm the second table (the first one deals with the adjective) shows that the noun Triremis is a female noun (TRIREMIS-IS, f ) so you should use the female adjective Romana (as you did with the Matrona Romana).