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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-08-04 in all areas

  1. I've been working on the interface designs sporadically over the past three months, so it's probably time to show an update. Here are updated designs for the 3 windows I previewed before - the current designs are shown below each one: Edit: Here's a redesign of the Match Setup screen: Current design: New design: Let me know what you think! Like it?
    2 points
  2. Where QWERTY keyboards have "1234567890" AZERTY one have symbols like "&é"'(-è!çà". Under Windows, the developers had to made a custom sdl manger that make theses key behave like the QWERTY ones for Hotkeys, but under Linux and Mac OS X, the generic one is used. It is planed to have a GUI interface to configure the hotkeys, but this is not yet implemented, so we have to make it a bit ourself. This will only work with Alpha 15 and later or SVN. First thing (if it is not already done) is to copy the default.cfg file that can be found in: SVN: 0ad/binaries/data/config/default.cfgAlpha versions: Linux: /usr/share/[games/]0ad/config/default.cfg OS X: 0ad.app/Contents/Resources/data/config/default.cfgand paste it in: Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/0ad/config/local.cfg (generally ~/.config/0ad/config/local.cfg) OS X: ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/config/local.cfg Now we can edit this file to configure our hotkeys. Most of the keys are listed in the key.txt file (can be found in the same directory than the default.cfg file). For the ones remaining (é § è ç à), we currently have to use the WorldX keys (§ is only at this place on Belgian layout). On Linux, you should have on French and Belgian layout: é = World73 (or W73) § = World7 (or W7) è = World72 (or W72) ç = World71 (or W71) à = World64 (or W64) On OSX, French layout: é = World0 (or W0) è = World3 (or W3) ç = World2 (or W2) à = World4 (or W4) Please, share your results and complete the missing informations. There may have other differences. If you need to find the key number, you can find instruction in the #2043. Here is the local.cfg that suit for Belgian layout under Linux (just rename the .zip to be a .cfg): local.zip (If you give it, I can add your file to give more examples).
    1 point
  3. A clear improvement I didn't like the old background with the tiles. I'm happy they are removed.
    1 point
  4. Looks really good I think those things should be a dropdown list instead of some x's with cryptic letters on top. Although I don't know if Pureo has the ability to do this, or if some programmer should get it done.
    1 point
  5. I think those designs look great! However, there are a few minor things that got my attention. First, the type for the window title: I feel that is a little out-of-era, more 19th century or gothic than classical. I do not have an alternative ready, although it would probably a non-italic roman font (Oh, I see now you tried that first, compared to the earlier designs this does look more stylish). Second, when looking at the Diplomacy window, I'm not sure the 'Player 4' text in white would be readable on the yellow background on all kinds of display since the darker outline has been omitted (or at the least is very faint). A third thing, on the same Diplomacy window, I do not really like the fade/shadow behind the small checkmarks. Personally, I think it would be clearer and look sharper with larger X's and a reduced glow. It's definitely an improvement over the older design, so keep going
    1 point
  6. What you could do is 'loan' your units to an ally. I think Hearts of Iron did this. It would basically allow you to give your units to your allies to control, so they could do what they liked with them, but you could recall them at any time. Would stop your own units turning on you.
    1 point
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