Dinosaurs!? Did I hear dinosaurs!? When I was a very little kid I used to always take dinosaur books from the library (but also about ancient armies, pirates etc.) If you haven't seen Walking with Dinosaurs you are not a true dinosaur fan, though Walking with Dinosaurs has errors in it. Good thinking. I like these ideas. Everyone has their taste. I never play gears or the polar maps because I play partly for the atmosphere and authencity. So in my opinion fictional maps are fine, but it should be very clear they are. I would be very dissapointed if I clicked on a scenario or biome that says: "Brittania heathlands" or "Persian highlands" and I play the map and it has buildable dragons, citizen-soldiers replaced with robots and a tinky winky, and the map itself is drawed like male genetals. I know, I know, that's a big exeggeration, but I think this makes my point very clear. I don't play scenarios either because of the population, even without lag I prefer to play around 200, I hope it is a priority to make population customizable for scenarios. And people who have a not-so-great computer can't possibly play scenerios, which is kind of sad.