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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-05-21 in all areas

  1. that doesn't work very well for functionality, though. maybe there can be two editor-only eye candy buildings simulating two halves of the Colossus, one left side and one right side, which are to scale with the actual Colossus and can be placed on opposite sides of a pathway/waterway. in this way, the complete Colossus can still appear in the game in its original incarnation without obstructing any other units (the obstruction tiles would only be around the feet while the rest of the Colossus extends to the sides. but seriously, do you want to have your units sailing under some giant bronze guy's junk? for gameplay, it would be much easier to have the Colossus positioned more like this: see? grand, majestic, powerful. THAT'S something i'd want to build in my empire to signify the defeat of an invasion. build him right next to the shore and he looks out, taunting my enemies on the next island over. he's all like "What'cha gonna do about it, a**hole? I've got a hundred catapults guardin' this harbor! "
    1 point
  2. Will the ptolemaics be in the next alpha? What about Naucratis? (One of) the first Hellenistic colonies in Egypt.
    1 point
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