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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2012-07-16 in all areas

  1. Some kind of auto-generation would be nice, with the option to override it with a custom image.
    2 points
  2. It is currently used in Fortress random map in my computer and hopefully, will find its way into the game for other maps too. Now, what do you think? Suggestions, criticism, etc.
    1 point
  3. Indeed! And we could add some farm variations, like wheat, barley, ...
    1 point
  4. Merged both markets. It's big, but in my humble view, it looks quite nice, at least it looks more like other factions's markets... Haters gonna hate Lovers gonna love Well, anyways, it's a done model that can be used somewhere else, if not as a market, maybe as a campaign structure. You guys decide what to do with it. I am done. (At least quite done, not sure what to scale down, if scale down, whatever)
    1 point
  5. Here's a new concept including the chat. The map description can either be moved into a seperate tab or kept where it is. I think it would be better in a tab because then all information about the map would be at the same location and we could use the space on the left. Note: The resolution is 1024x768 which is the lowest we support as far as I know... and it works. What do you think? Did I miss something?
    1 point
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