We have finite space to show information, we have to be very careful with how we use it. Actually last night it occurred to me that even the two-row attack/armor stats are insufficient, because some units have multiple attack types (e.g. melee and charge), so it gets even more difficult to squeeze in everything. Others might disagree, but here's the crux of my argument: attack/armor stats are static data, they are fixed for every unit with the exception of applying technologies and maybe auras. They are also only a part of the combat stats for a given unit, which includes attack range, timings, speed, bonuses, priorities, accuracy, splash damage and such. Why should we cherry pick one subset of that static data and devote a large chunk of the UI to it, when it's not useful for most players and can be presented in better ways (tooltip, tech tree, stats table)? By comparison, we have to expliclty show dynamic stats - the user can't guess HP, XP, stamina or resource count, and they are as important or more for new and casual players than experienced ones. The new mockup does show more information than the old design. It shows the generic and specific names, ties XP more visually into the rank insignia, shows the player's name/civ/color (legibly!) at a glance, and labels the stats bars. Even if it didn't, there's nothing wrong with revamping the old style