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Should source code contain <init_from> or <source_data> with user's name and/or local path?

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Is it intended that files contain lines with names of users (who contributed, I assume) and their local paths on their machines where the files were originally contributed from, like this one? \trunk\binaries\data\mods\public\art\meshes\props\obstructor_6x36.dae

  <image id="construction_obstructor_png" name="construction_obstructor_png">

Or this one? \trunk\binaries\data\mods\public\art\meshes\skeletal\animal_lion.dae

  <author>Athos Arantes</author>
  <authoring_tool>Feeling ColladaMax v3.02 with FCollada v3.02.</authoring_tool>
  <comments>ColladaMax Export Options: ExportNormals=1;ExportEPolyAsTriangles=1;ExportXRefs=1;ExportSelected=0;ExportTangents=1;ExportAnimations=1;SampleAnim=0;ExportAnimClip=0;BakeMatrices=1;ExportRelativePaths=1;AnimStart=0;AnimEnd=100;</comments>

I stumbled over these (and there are many more) when searching for game paths in the source code.

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Then it's not worth cleaning these up, as more might get introduced, right? To my current understanding, this might be considered only a "cosmetic" issue, unless somebody does not want to publish is real name (if it is used in the file), but then it's the user's own responsibility. As said above, I rather stumbled over this in a text string search, i.e. I don't bother. ;)

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