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Limited unit count - any way to limit the number of a specific unit?


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Hi team,

I have really put a lot of effort in to trying to figure this out myself but I am at a complete loss and suspect what I want to do is impossible with the engine.

As far as I can tell you can limit the number of times a unit can be built in a game. You can also make the unit a hero - resulting in it only being able to be built once. But you can't edit "hero" parameters. Even if you could modify hero and set population cap to 5, it would work across all the heros and so would limit you to 5 heros combined - rather than 5 of your particular unit.

The problem is, I have the following units that I need to impose limits on:

Lord x 1 (represents you, the player).

Lessor Lord x 3

Bailiff x 2

Sheriff x 1

Lady x 1 ("marriage" upgrade for female citizen)

Marshal x 1

Steward x 1

Master at Arms x 1

Captain of House Guard x 1

I don't mind not having the declared as a hero. I just need to find a way to limit the number of the units and have them able to be retrained if they day (actually all these units are appointed (upgraded) from elite citizens or Men at Arms (which are themselves appointed from citizens). 

Is there any way to do it?

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Thanks, this didn't work for me - and it actually prevented the game from starting. Can I just confirm that these are the only changes I need to make:

So in my Vassal_b units file I put the following code:

  <GenericName>Cavalry Crossbowman</GenericName>
  <VisibleClasses datatype="tokens">Noble</VisibleClasses>

And then in templates\special\player\player I add:






And this will result in me only able to appoint three Vassal Lords at a time?

Please note the difference in file path (special/player/player) which I assume is because I have a different version of the game - Alpha 25.

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When I went to check the error logs they had already been cleared due to me starting the game after deleting the player file. The game is working again, so I made the adjustments again and the second time around the game started but the changes I made does not seem to limit the number of lords I can build.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Entity parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_swordsman">
  <Auras datatype="tokens">
          <AttackName context="Name of an attack using a double-edged sword.">Sword</AttackName>
          <PreferredClasses datatype="tokens">Unit+!Ship</PreferredClasses>
    <SpecificName>Feudal Lord</SpecificName>
    <VisibleClasses datatype="tokens">Noble</VisibleClasses>
<ResourceGatherer disable=""/>
  <Entities datatype="tokens">


And player:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        <RequiredTechs datatype="tokens">phase_town</RequiredTechs>
    <Classes datatype="tokens">Player</Classes>
    <!-- The summary screen and lobby rankings expect these classes, but additional classes may be added. -->
    <UnitClasses datatype="tokens">
    <StructureClasses datatype="tokens">



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I tried:     <Classes datatype="tokens">Lord</Classes>

But it didn't work. 

As I am modding MilleniumAD, is there anyway I can check to ensure the Anglo saxon side is accessing the normal player file rather than something else? They only have a player_norse file - which I also edited to include lord and noble.

If I recall correctly I have previously tried limiting the number of buildings in the player file and it did not work so I suspect the problem might be in the player file being in the wrong place or the wrong file...

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