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New Civ for mirror 1v1 / TG: Utopians


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Today an idea came to my mind: since so many people think different civs are broken / need balance, why don't I make 1 special Civ in a mod that contains every single unit in the game? 

Those who want to prove themselves in 1v1 or Tags can all take this ultimate civ and no one can complain about their enemies getting better civs. You can play every single possible strategy with this civ, which means your enemy can't predict what you want. Let me explain this: if you are Carthaginians, then everyone knows you will do a mercenary rush. If you are Britons, then they will set up defence against your slingers; if you are Persians then they can predict a cavalry heavy late game. But with the Utopians, since you can do all these, there is no way anyone can predict your strategy so games are more fair. If one unit is OP, all of you can use it and there is no excuse to lose.

In a TG, if your enemy wants to rush with spear cav, then you can make spearmen. If they switch to archer cav, you can return fire by making spear cav or inf archer. If they come with a slinger rush, you can quickly spam mercenary units to defend.

If everyone takes the Utopians in a TG, we can see huge varieties of strategies played out in just 1 game, as you have to respond to the unpredictable moves of the enemy and vice versa. It should be more fun and balanced, without needing to rant about banning civs or someone complaining about their civ.

Casual players probably don't need to care about this although people who are learning the game would benefit by being able to try every single unit in just 1 game.

Tell me if you are interested.



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56 minutes ago, LetswaveaBook said:

Though it would be cool to know which hero people consider to be the best.

For TGs I think there is no way anything is better than indibil. The fact that the discount is percentage based means it scales with cavalry and champions to provide a much bigger cost savings than if you made infantry CS.

For 1v1, I think there are a few options, but Ptol will have more than 1 on that list for sure. 

As for @Yekaterina's idea, I don't like it because part of selecting units while using a civ is the different civ peculiarities that apply to that unit. Even if all civs get spearmen, there are many different combinations of civ-specific effects that differentiate them.

Would this civ have no actionable civ bonuses? or all of them? In my opinion, this reduces some of the strategy from the game.

Perhaps it is possible this civ could be helpful to test units/upgrades/buildings without restarting a test game (some people including me test in MP using cheats). This might be useful if you could apply every bonus at will or use any single hero at will.

Edited by BreakfastBurrito_007
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