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Cannot host or join matchest in the same LAN

Nerio Rincon

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I am on Ubuntu 20, my brother is in Windows 10, we both can join to matches created by other persons in the lobby, but when we try to join to matches created by one of us we receive the message about the UDP port 20595 may be close.

I have been monitoring the logs when trying to join and did not receive any significant information.

❯ tail -f  ~/.config/0ad/logs/mainlog.html                                                                                               ~
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130386409, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130387411, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130388413, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130389414, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130390416, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130391368, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130392420, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130393422, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130394375, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130395427, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130396379, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130397382, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130398384, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net message: ({lastReceivedTime:3130399386, warntype:"server-timeout", type:"netwarn"})</p>
<p>Net client: Disconnected</p>
<p>Net message: ({reason:0, status:"disconnected", type:"netstatus"})</p>

I checked both mine and my brothers 20595 UDP ports with nmap, received this (that means is open, at least that is what i understand):

20595/udp open|filtered unknown

Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.42 seconds
           Raw packets sent: 6 (208B) | Rcvd: 1 (40B)

By the way, thank you for developing this game, great job, i am a huge fan of AOE but im not returning to Windows, and 0ad is much better IMO. Any who, any help will be appreciated.

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