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when unit levels up, he loses armor bonus from athens hero


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But I do have a fix for something along the lines of what's reported. A regicide game would be lost if you promote your hero. D1694.

If I were to take a guess, I would be saying that whatever is handling that specific bonus is not listening to OnGlobalEntityRenamed and therefore considering the promoted unit dead. Dead units can't be in a formation and therefore it's doing the sensible thing of considering so.

Edit: Seems like Formations.js does not update auras when handling the message. Formations.js L926.

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Something like the following may fix it.


Index: Formation.js
--- Formation.js	(revision 21929)
+++ Formation.js	(working copy)
@@ -941,6 +941,12 @@
 		if (cmpNewUnitAI)
+		for (let ent of this.formationMembersWithAura)
+		{
+			let cmpAuras = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Auras);
+			cmpAuras.ApplyFormationBonus(msg.newentity);
+		}
 		// Because the renamed entity might have different characteristics,
 		// (e.g. packed vs. unpacked siege), we need to recompute motion parameters



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The issue would still probably persist in the case of the Aura Caster being renamed. Barring that, it’s mostly correct.

A diff’s a diff wherever it is posted, ;) feel free to commit the thing.

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