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Train bears from barracks


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I am trying to train bears from barracks so I can train my soldiers. The problem is that all the bears trained don't attack and don't take damage.

I tried to find differences between bears and pigs but I can't find the ones that would help me.

Can you give me some advice on this ? I could copy the pigs and use a bear's visual actor for it but I don't know if this is the way to do it ...


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Apperently I had to give it the Domestic class

    <Classes datatype="tokens">Domestic</Classes>

Now I can kill the bear, gather food from it's corpse and basically treat it like a pig. But one thing bothers me, after killing it, the bear doesn't turn into a corpse or something but remains the same. Do the bears lack some art here or is this a bug caused by me modding it to be domestic ?

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43 minutes ago, screab said:

bear doesn't turn into a corpse or something but remains the same. Do the bears lack some art here or is this a bug caused by me modding it to be domestic ?

There is no death animation for the bear IIRC so no corpse is shown therefore some work on the art side is necessary as you intuited.

Enjoy the Choice :) 

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