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Bug happens when I select Seleucids or Ptolemies in struct tree.


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ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/structree/structree.js line 32 TypeError: data is undefined init@gui/structree/structree.js:32:1 __eventhandler116 (press)@menuStrucTreeButton press:2:8

ERROR: GUI page 'page_structree.xml': Failed to call init() function

ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/structree/helper.js line 77 TypeError: path.lastIndexOf is not a function depath@gui/structree/helper.js:77:2 selectCiv@gui/structree/structree.js:173:1 __eventhandler144 (selectionchange)@civSelection selectionchange:0:1

ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/structree/helper.js line 77 TypeError: path.lastIndexOf is not a function depath@gui/structree/helper.js:77:2 selectCiv@gui/structree/structree.js:173:1 __eventhandler144 (selectionchange)@civSelection selectionchange:0:1

I have edited the civ files, but I've edited all of the civ files and this only happen with Seleucid and Ptolemies.

Attach are json files.


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It's because we moved away from the _generic_ phases. See http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19838

The problem was that, to add a civ-specific town or city phase, the according _generic_ technology had to be edited, as it had the civ-specific techs as a requirement for autoresearch. This meant that it was impossible to combine two mods that both had a civ with a civ-specific phase (as one mod would overwrite the tech of the other mod, resulting in a civ that can't research one of the phases).

So we moved to the "replaces" key, in which a tech can "replace" a different tech, and unlock all its content without applying its modifications or its cost. So currently, the _generic_ phases are removed, and the effects are stored in the regular phase tech and the athen phase tech, while the athen phase tech replaces the regular one, so unlocks the same features.

See http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/16678/ for the commit that removed the generic techs.

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