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Capture Points Aura

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Want to give a capture points aura to Temple of Vesta. This is code:

  <Auras>    <Aura1>      <Type>range</Type>      <Radius>60</Radius>      <Affects>Structure</Affects>      <Modifications>        <Health.Max>	  <Multiply>1.25</Multiply>	</Health.Max>      </Modifications>      <AuraName>"Eternal Fire" Aura</AuraName>      <AuraDescription>Structures +25% Health within 60 meters of the Temple of Vesta.</AuraDescription>    </Aura1>    <Fealty>      <Type>range</Type>      <Radius>60</Radius>      <Affects>Structure</Affects>      <Modifications>        <Capturable.CapturePoints>	  <Multiply>2</Multiply>	</Capturable.CapturePoints>      </Modifications>      <AuraName>"Fealty" Aura</AuraName>      <AuraDescription>Structures +100% Capture Points within 60 meters of the Temple of Vesta.</AuraDescription>    </Fealty>	  </Auras>

The capture points aura does not work. Error:

WARNING: JavaScript warning: simulation/components/Capturable.js line 232 reference to undefined property this.template.Max

Would be good to make possible for aura and technologies.

Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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The warning happens here:

this.maxCp = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Capturable/Max", +this.template.Max, this.entity);

But when looking at the Schema it seems that there is no Max property:

Capturable.prototype.Schema =	"<element name='CapturePoints' a:help='Maximum capture points'>" +		"<ref name='positiveDecimal'/>" +	"</element>" +	"<element name='RegenRate' a:help='Number of capture are regenerated per second in favour of the owner'>" +		"<ref name='nonNegativeDecimal'/>" +	"</element>" +	"<element name='GarrisonRegenRate' a:help='Number of capture are regenerated per second and per garrisoned unit in favour of the owner'>" +		"<ref name='nonNegativeDecimal'/>" +	"</element>";

So we talk about a bug here rather than a missing feature. I think it should work when you replace Max with CapturePoints so that line 232 looks like this (haven't tested it though):

this.maxCp = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Capturable/CapturePoints", +this.template.CapturePoints, this.entity);
Edited by niektb
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