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Thank you Mythos.


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Sad. As it seems, Mythos_Ruler has decided becoming a 0AD mythos. He's listed as Former Staff. With that I now fear Ykkrosh will also leave soon and not get employed by us.

If it weren't for the trigger commit today I'd be pretty pessimistic for 0AD.

0AD is an outstanding project where so many people from all around our blue planet pursue a set of joint goals, making things happen, recreating worlds of the past and teach history as a side effect.

It's outstanding where this is leading, though to recover from yet another two titans leaving the team (after jason + 0AD founding consorts) will be pretty hard.

I will try to help by continuing to help with all mods as much as my time permits. Thanks for this awesome community full of talents, artists, programmers and historians and those interested in history and civilizations.


Edited by Hephaestion
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Well, it's certainly sad when someone leaves, and especially someone who has been as important to the project as Michael. However, I wouldn't say today is the day to call dark. It's not as if he's gone from 100% active to leave, but rather a long process. I'll leave it to him to explain his personal motives if he wants to, but the more general picture is this: after the fundraiser failed to get us enough money to hire him (+ a programmer) he's had to focus more on his job. Leaving less and less time for 0 A.D.

It's indeed sad as Michael really was/is the person who had the best idea of what the game should play like, and the historical knowledge to complement it. However, the main thing is that we who are active will do our best to work on the game, not to focus on those who are not active at the moment.

I would also not worry too much on a more general note, people have left the project before and it's still kept going (Michael has left several times for that matter). Sometimes progress has been slower, sometimes it's been faster. But so far the project has kept going :) And I don't see us slowing down now, I'd rather say the opposite: we're getting really close to Beta now imho :) (There's still a lot of work left before the game is finished of course, but there actually aren't that many missing features now.)

About Philip /Ykkrosh) I don't think there's any reason to worry either, he's been more active lately than in years. He wasn't going to work on the project for money though, so that's not something that has/will change either for that matter. If he's motivated to work on the project now or in the future - then he will work on it :)

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Thank you for clarifying. It confused me that a producer left without a note. The removal of his Avatar already was the prophecy, though whenever he'd been in the forum, it had always been a boost. (true for team members in general as it shows interest in the community's opinion and ideas).

However, the main thing is that we who are active will do our best to work on the game, not to focus on those who are not active at the moment.

Understood. I felt a bit too pessimistic when posting the topic. And at least you are back. It was uncertain too for a while which made me think there'd be suddenly all gone without notice. It's always good to have a nice mix around, be it historians, artists, programmers or authors. :)

I also notice Ykkrosh wants to avoid the Red Fox scenario (who was put a apart by the community's demands + general critics because clearly everyone expects a lot of paid development) but Ykkrosh's strict + amazing works on performance lately really surprised me so much that I felt either something was wrong or he'd try to save 0AD. I had to force me to not believe the latter, therefore I had to expect the worst. There is no doubt he's the most awesome contributor ever (on the C++ side for certain) and is undoubtful impossible to replace.

The community just wants to avoid that he has a hard time to help 0AD due to work and paid development at least seemed to solve this.

And I don't see us slowing down now, I'd rather say the opposite: we're getting really close to Beta now imho :) (There's still a lot of work left before the game is finished of course, but there actually aren't that many missing features now.)

Indeed, with triggers in now even funtionality of Part II has come earlier, and I feel it's pure epicness.

0AD is the most promising project I have seen for long (since opensourceecology failed). In future even teaching history might be possible with it. Might be that I'm a dreamer. But I like if things are useful and not senseless. And 0AD is useful for sure, especially as it is open source and as a consequence stops mankind reinventing the virtual wheel again and again.

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Just one of the facts of life for FOSS development I have lost count of the number of times when I was the only person active on the Vegastrike project in the last eight years I have been with that project,as feneur mentioned it's just real life making it's self the priority for now,luck Michael :)

Enjoy the Choice :)

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