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What is Fallen Empires Studio?


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The Fallen Empires Studios


The Wildfire Games community grows with every release of their prized Real Time Strategy (RTS) game “0 A.D.” and, just like with any greatly-moddable RTS, many fans are longing to lead the ancient civilizations to glory, hopefully waiting for some of the nostalgic Age of Empires’ antique powers make their comeback. Especially Ancient Egypt.


The Fallen Empire Studios emerged as a development team independent from WFG official team, since they are currently very busy with the main development. With this in mind, some contributors banded together to carry ahead a couple projects to bring new players and improve the game’s range possibilities, to give something to the team, instead of only asking, to show that when there is good will, things happen.


Main Objective:

Learn through practice how to build Mods for the game, seeking not only to help, but to acquire knowledge for oneself.

Specific Objectives.

To inspire the community members to contribute to the project without pressure, so that you do what and when you want.

Build a multi-language manual showing, step by step, how to create a new civilization for the game, up to how to introduce it to the game.

To submit many high-quality contributions to the WFG community.

To stimulate the development of the game and derived projects, and through that stimulate people to contribute by themselves or with a group to the Open Source community.

In what do we believe?

We believe that everyone needs an opportunity to show your ideas and make them real, wether an expert or not, wherever you are or whatever you believe, if you want to modify an Open Source game, you can make it.

Since nobody is better than anyone, the founders of the Fallen Empires Studios trust that the projects must be developed democratically and never dismiss anyone’s opinion, even if their contributions were not as relevant.

Current Projects:

  • Aristeia: The Bronze Age civilizations pack.
  • Latin Voices for 0 A.D.’s Romans
  • Eye Candy Miscellaneous for 0 A.D.
  • Other DLC Civilization packs

Contact methods:

Wordpress site: http://fallenempires....wordpress.com/

MODDB: http://www.moddb.com...-empires-studio

Alternate Site: http://fallen-empires.hol.es/ [Working in progress/ Under Construction] i Need discuss this.




Aplication Form to have your data.



FB page:


Thanks to Pedro Falcao for as traducer

Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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FAQ. Section.

How join to Team?

Do something like:

  • Art.Contribute with 2d 3d Models, animate, Texturing-
  • Help to Programming (add Gameplay)
  • Add Maps.
  • Contribute With Info. Text historical and Visual.
  • Traduce something for theTeam,

How Upload a Document or File?

use the account of : team@fallenempires.mygbiz.com

you must ask me the Password.

Other Studio or Team of Developer can Help?

yeah, its for all how want do something or improve something

You have other future packs in mind?

Other Faction in 0.A.D. timeframe.

like Dacian, Numidians, Scythians, may be Far Asian.

Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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Just use this command:

git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/aristeia/code bronze

That will download the git repository into a folder 'bronze'. Make a link to this folder in the 0ad mod folder and play the game using

0ad -mod=bronze


pyrogenesis -mod=bronze

Edited by idanwin
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  On 31/03/2013 at 11:33 AM, idanwin said:

Just use this command:

git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/aristeia/code bronze

That will download the git repository into a folder 'bronze'. Make a link to this folder in the 0ad mod folder and play the game using

0ad -mod=bronze


pyrogenesis -mod=bronze

interesthing that good for the git user, you use svn? is almost same thing.

we need a public download. by SVn and GIt

Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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  On 31/03/2013 at 11:40 AM, Lion.Kanzen said:
we need a public download. by SVn and GIt

Having two different SCMs for the same project is counterproductive. And having it intentionally is just dumb :P You ought to pick one or the other.

0 A.D. only uses both for historical reasons - Git had not even been released when they set up their first repository 8 years ago. But technology has developed, and now many new projects choose Git from the beginning.


(Google interest over time.)

Edited by zoot
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  On 31/03/2013 at 12:36 PM, zoot said:

Having two repositories for the same project is counterproductive. And having it intentionally is just dumb :P You ought to pick one or the other.

0 A.D. only uses both for historical reasons - Git had not even been released when they set up their first repository 8 years ago. But technology has developed, and now many new projects choose Git from the beginning.


(Google interest over time.)

i read that in Google Git wiki. but, to me use that is hard to actualization(to me), im not Programmer and git clients are not much friendly UI.

put some linesof code scareme some,and normal user even more. finally i can download. SF dont accept my password, i must use something named "Fork" to have that files.

is in pyrogynesis.Exe where iwill put: 0ad -mod=bronze or what i dont get that, what put a tuto about what user must have to play the mod. im very visual if i see in screen i know to do.

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The git repository is not for "normal users", it is meant for us, and for those people who really want to be up to date with the project. As soon as we have one finished civ we will upload an archive for the "normal players".

Just learn the few commands you'll need for the time being.

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  On 31/03/2013 at 12:44 PM, Lion.Kanzen said:

i read that in Google Git wiki. but, to me use that is hard to actualization(to me), im not Programmer and git clients are not much friendly UI.

put some linesof code scareme some,and normal user even more. finally i can download. SF dont accept my password, i must use something named "Fork" to have that files.

If you're scared of the tools that developers use, you will find that development will be very difficult for you. Catering to "normal users" seems counterproductive when you have no product to offer them.

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  On 31/03/2013 at 12:54 PM, zoot said:

If you're scared of the tools that developers use, you will find that development will be very difficult for you. Catering to "normal users" seems counterproductive when you have no product to offer them.

no, even scared, iwas and wil use that tools., but is new for me, i need higly understand, but slowly. but i can use it, commit was easy. but sync in my pc , that take 2 hours to read all those comands and know what means.

And i Ask again:

is in pyrogynesis.Exe where i will put: 0ad -mod=bronze or what???

i dont get that, what put a tuto about what user must have to play the mod. im very visual if i see in screen i know to do.

and what is difference between.


pyrogenesis -mod=bronze

i was do that some time when i was install Rise of East. and work but i dont remember.

Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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  On 31/03/2013 at 12:50 PM, idanwin said:

The git repository is not for "normal users", it is meant for us, and for those people who really want to be up to date with the project. As soon as we have one finished civ we will upload an archive for the "normal players".

Just learn the few commands you'll need for the time being.

i wasdownload one of last repocitory, easy. and we finish a Pre Alpha. a Demo
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  On 31/03/2013 at 1:43 PM, Lion.Kanzen said:

in Windows please, sorry, idawin for my awkwardness

Shouldn't be very different in windows. Just right click the launcher, select 'make link' or 'make shortcut'. Open the properties window of this shortcut and add "-mod=egypt" to the command line as shown in my screenshot.

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  On 31/03/2013 at 1:46 PM, idanwin said:

Shouldn't be very different in windows. Just right click the launcher, select 'make link' or 'make shortcut'. Open the properties window of this shortcut and add "-mod=egypt" to the command line as shown in my screenshot.

i know why i dont get that in previous post, we make the clarification for cross-platforms. users: Win, OXS, Linux.
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  On 31/03/2013 at 2:03 PM, idanwin said:

When we release alpha 1, we have to add that to the README.txt for each platform, but since I don't use windows or mac, I've got no clue about how to explain how it works on those.

that why we must ask. :). and but the easy info to follow in forum, for all can use.
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