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Marine type units/ troops on boats.


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Ok, a while ago i posted on This Topic, relating to archers on boats.

As i said there, i think it would be cool to have a marine unit for, say, carthage, persia, greece and Rome. Since i'm not sure if the Iberians or celts had proffesional Naval forces (or any form of naval force at all).

As was also said there (by me) is that normal units, in this case archers, have a disadvantage while fighting on ships while at sea, i mean, it's not a fun thing when your invasion force gets caught at sea by a navy built for naval fighting before they reach their destination is it? Unless you want a highly depleted or very dead invasion force :P

And vice versa for Marine units, they CAN fight on land, but get a disadvantage while doing so.

Watcha think?

Cool feature or too complicated?

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to me it sounds rather like feature-creep. although it still can be interesting for campaigns or as a standard-troop for the carthaginians (which might have already now a too large selection of units considering balancing)

when you think of the punic wars: it were (imho) the roman legions who fought as naval-soldiers by using the "corvus" to get faster on the carthaginian ships. this was eventually the advantage of the roman naval forces.

and throughout all history books i've never read about a dedicated naval-soldier-unit in ancient times.

in my eyes it was about the 16th and 17th century when at least the brits started with naval-soldiers - the so called "marines".

but it would be still an interesting question if such troops existed in ancient times.

if you think on sea-sickness and stuff... maybe there was an schooling for naval-troops?!

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  On 10/10/2011 at 9:54 AM, JuliusColtranePille said:

when you think of the punic wars: it were (imho) the roman legions who fought as naval-soldiers by using the "corvus" to get faster on the carthaginian ships. this was eventually the advantage of the roman naval forces.

and throughout all history books i've never read about a dedicated naval-soldier-unit in ancient times.

The Romans only used the corvus for a brief period, by the end of the first punic war they had abandoned it probably because of the effect on handling in bad weather. They used marine forces but i don't know how much naval specific training they had.

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