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Stonemine - Metalmine as actors

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Hello There!!
First of all thanks for all your work, and support..

I'm building a scenario, and I  have a ¿problem?: When i place Metal mine or Stone mine, they are not diggable. I mean, one cannot interact with it. So you cannot mine metal or stone in this map... even I have placed some mines on it.

What am I doing wrong?
Because I can not find the mines in the Entities tab, just in Actors tab. (see attached)



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Noooooooooo way!! That's why!

Thanks sooo much @Stan`!!
And yes, @wowgetoffyourcellphone, that would be really helpful for the next ones... (since I already know it from now on)

Btw.. (maybe I need to create a new topic for this... )
Is there any way to give my map to the comunity? I'm working on a map I think, some people would love to play on it.
I am absolutely sure, it will need some changes from the experienced developers, but still i would like to give it to the comunity.


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