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  • 4 weeks later...

There Will Be Milkshakes...

:P Daniel-Day Lewis :)


All kinds of milkshaky fun!

And here's the original scene from the movie, "There Will Be Blood". It is widely accepted as one of the greatest movies made in the past 20 years, certainly since Godfather Part 2. This is the climactic scene between the movie's two antagonists, a preacher and an oil man.


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  • 4 months later...

You want something entertaining? read this:

most kids at my school believe

* In Canada, French is the official language

* All French hate America

* If I move to Canada, I will 1) Go crazy because of all the different laws they have in Canada and become a serial killer, or 2) I will be drafted into the Canadian Army and kill all my loved ones in America

* My space is filled with predators

* A series of unfortunate events is based on a true story

* Being nice to others is gay

* hitting (as in punching) Girls is gay

* if you don't like someone, they're gay

* The word "retarded" is spelled "retarted" and is a Present, not Past, form of speach.

* If you don't fit in with a group, you're gay.

* Gays are bad.

* swearing is not Bad

* Caring about something is Gay.

* Thinking about something a different way then others is gay.

* Gays won't have as much rights as Normal People (A.K.A. Straits) do.

* You're whether Gay or a Pervert.

* Most people prefer Pervert.

* Everybody in India and Mexico lives in a shack.

* Everybody in Iraq loves explosives (There IS an Iraqi kid in my school, and he LOVES weapons, explosives etc.)

* Asian people are weird.

* Life guards at a pool are only there to get kids into trouble (My experience: I had a reflex to dive into a pool while playing a game, and had to count all the bricks on a wall which was 3,000).

* If you say something twice, you're bragging.

* If you ask someone to repeat themselves, they get P.O.

* Pornography isn't bad, but you're not suppose to talk about it.

* Free things are crap.

* Things made in China are crap.

* Most Mexican-Americans are/had been illegal Immigrants at one point of their life.

* Mexicans will soon make more then 50% of the American Workforce.

* Armpit hair means you're a man.

Most of these things (if not all) are generalizations.

I can tell because for more then 3 years I lived outside of the United states, and I know a lot of people outside of school who are from outside cultures.

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  Sam said:


Dude, you really need to do something about that talent build. One of the worst I've seen. EVERY hunter needs atleast 20 points in the MM tree. Period.

I've heard that so many times, but MM is only good for PVP, BM is good for PVE and SV is good for Raids.

Check out This site I found it really helpful in convincing others :banana:

Edited by Alexthegod5
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