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SUGGESTION - garrisoned units should die when the building is destroyed


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On 28/04/2023 at 5:53 AM, real_tabasco_sauce said:

The proposal fits none of these:

  • It makes a fairly small practical difference, not noticeable unless you are looking for it. I would expect little change to gameplay.
  • it is outside the level of detail 0ad seeks to simulate (For example , wouldn't it seem silly to individually train horses and then put units on each one for cavalry)
  • Lastly, I don't see this being fun at all. There is no strategy one can enact, and no real benefit to either the garrisoning player or the destroying player. I'd say it could only result in annoyance that one's units died to a building collapse.

Hey, thanks for explaining, those are good arguments. I'm still not fully convinced because let's take berry bushes regenerating (this feature doesn't meet any of the three point you mentioned):
- it make such a small difference unless you know it exists you will never notice it
- it is outside the usual level of detail in the game
- and it has no benefit at all.

...and despite that this feature is still in the game...


Anyway, I'm not here to continue this discussion. I understand that appearantly this idea is not welcomed by many players.



I have a few questions though regarding fire/trample damage:

Will the trample damage by elephants be crush damage? If so will there be an upgrade to increase units crush armour?

Did I get right that all buildings under 25% HP will start burning?

Edited by Vantha
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6 hours ago, Vantha said:

Will the trample damage by elephants be crush damage? If so will there be an upgrade to increase units crush armour?

I think it's supposed to be a "tusk" attack, not trample. But the distinction doesn't matter much. It is a mix of hack and crush damage. The fire is not part of the game.

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  • 5 months later...
On 30/04/2023 at 9:41 AM, Vantha said:

berry bushes regenerating (this feature doesn't meet any of the three point you mentioned):

Berry bushes regenerates ? How so ? Since when ?


Concerning your building destruction idea, I think that it's fine flavor-like but like other pointed, it would create too much problems.

If you can include it in some mod and test it thoroughly, maybe you can come back here and try to convince people again, now that you'd have evidence for it.

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On 30/04/2023 at 9:41 AM, Vantha said:

berry bushes regenerating (this feature doesn't meet any of the three point you mentioned):

Berry bushes regenerates ? How so ? Since when ?


Concerning your building destruction idea, I think that it's fine flavor-like but like other pointed, it would create too much problems.

If you can include it in some mod and test it thoroughly, maybe you can come back here and try to convince people again, now that you'd have evidence for it.

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7 hours ago, LienRag said:

If you can include it in some mod and test it thoroughly, maybe you can come back here and try to convince people again, now that you'd have evidence for it.

Yes, I might. But I don't think I will. Looking back at it, it was not a very good idea, i am satisfied with how it is now. You garrison units inside buildings to avoid them getting slaughtered by attackers, damaging garrisoned units would kind of defy the purpose of garrisoning them in the first place.

Edited by Vantha
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