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It was a well discussed topic. But, I want to remind some of the inequality amongst civilizations... 1. Building Time:- As we know, Gauls and Britons have a lowered building time for their weak structures. But conversely this gave them advantage in games. As per history, their knowledge of architecture wasn't well and scientific as like that of others(Romans, Carthaginians, Persians or Greeks). So, it's obvious that their building would be rubble. But, this deduction in 20% building time make them more efficient. Again, most of their structures has a population bonus. But think carefully, did a hut like structure has any access to extension option? I think no, so it'll be better and more balanced if Britons & Gauls have a slightly slower building rate and No population extension option by houses unlike others and also weaker Armour for buildings(20% less). 2. Superiority of Slingers over Archers(Especially) and Skirmishers:- Apparently most of the player would definitely admit that Slingers are the strongest unit in the game. But, is it feasible for Slingers to have more than 1.5 times pierce damage than Archers. A piece of stone cause more crush damage than pierce. So, I think there should a balance between Slingers and Archers. Maybe 7.5 pierce damage for Archers and 8.5 pierce damage along with 1.5 crush damage for Slingers. 3. Superiority of Roman Siege and Persian Rams:- There is no doubt that Romans and Persians had a superior Siege units with better atrack. But, this wasn't spontaneous. This was achieved by a long period of experiment. So, It'll be best to give them a technology(with practical costs) instead of just giving them directly. Along with that I would also suggest to give Carthaginian and Ptolemaic Juggernauts and Heavy Warships an equal Bonus by a similar technology. 4. Unlimited Access for certain Buildings I'm listing some buildings that can be built during game... Persians--- Apandana- 1, Hall- 2, Ishtar Gate- 1 Carthaginians--- Embassy- 2, Tophet- None. Sparatans--- Royal Stoa- Unlimited Athenians--- Royal Stoa- Unlimited, Gymnasium- Unlimited Gauls--- Tavern- Unlimited Britons--- Kennel- Unlimited Mauryans--- Palace- None Kushites--- Nuba Village/Camp- 2 Diadochii--- Military Colony- Unlimited Romans--- Army Camp- Unlimited These all disparity makes some civilization really underdog and some of them really strong. Please fix it. Maybe by giving an option for increasing the number of town phase buildings by 1 for each Civic Center was made and by limiting the number of City phase structures. 4. No Trample Damage for Elephants and Ability of Rams to Attack Organic Units:- This is one of the worst and impractical thing that makes Rams more stronger and efficient than Elephants. As Rams could only be destroyed by hack damage(most efficient and fast). On the other hand, not only Elephants can be killed by Ranged units easily but also they can be easily blocked by any units or women. And so this makes them useless. Again, more or less equal speed of an Elephants as compared to Rams make them more impractical. But, ideally an elephant has a great momentum along with a speed of nearly 40 km/h. So, I think they should have more speed with a continuous movement not obstructed by Organic Units. It'll be also better if we add trample damage for cavalry. 5. Costs for making a Catapult and Elephant:- An elephant costs 250 food and 250 metal and 3 population which is really impractical. Raising an elephant is more costlier than making a Ram. Again, making a Catapult cause not that much wood (400). So, there should be a balance. Again, most of the units first try to capture Bolt Shooters and Catapults instead of just destroying it! So, there should be a mode which can determine whether units will attack it or try to capture it. 6. Units and Faction Requests:- And lastly, I've some personal thoughts that I would like to share. In short--- I) Maiden Guards should not be trained from Barracks. They are elite and special units which only protect Royal persons and so they should be trained from Palace. And please give Mauryans access to Rams. II) Kindly give Chandragupta Maurya and Chanakya a decent hero bonus. And please reconsider the bonuses given to some heroes like Hannibal(a bonus of 20% faster batch time for mercenaries instead of 20% less damage for enemy mercenaries) III) Instead of giving a 20% health Reduction for Archery Tradition, it'll be better if we apply a 5% or maybe 10% health Reduction just like Persian Infantry. IV) Civ Bonuses--- Some Civs have very much helpful Civ Bonus(Iberians, Seleucids, Ptolemies, Sparatans, Athenians, Macedonians, Romans, Gauls, Persians, Kushites) and some have impractical Civ Bonus(Carthaginians, Mauryans, Britons). Please reconsider them. Hope, the authority will consider my urges...
art [source community] Mayor set icons.
Lion.Kanzen posted a topic in Tutorials, references and art help
Pureon art style, I'm not sure what techniques he is using... even he ask to new artist developers if can imitate this style. Style very close or similar to AoE3 . I need community help to take this. -
This one is Template Tech tree for Antiquity Theme Based in several Strategy games and 0.A.D Colony Concept is complement to A17. My Technology tree, is incomplete because the other part is the Official Tech Tree (A17 Release) and are missing some Special Technologies for each Faction and Civilizations because is generic have Basic Technologies for every Civilization in Ancient Time Frame (Bronze and Iron Late Antiquity) I was posted here becasuse Im not sure if Devs are interesting in or some Modders. Can be Adapted to Medieval nd other Ages. Civic Centre Technologies Craftmanship Artists Villagers construct buildings 20% faster Phase: 3/4 Cost200 Wood, 300 Food Research Time: 50s Civilization(s): All Illustration: mason and carpenterstools Source:AOE andAOK Local Laws / Legal Documentation Civil Buildings cost -15% wood, Vilagers 10% Health Phase: 2 Cost 50 food, 25 metal 25 wood Research Time: 100s Civilization(s): All (Local Law for Celts,Iberians and Legal for the others ) Illustration: papyrus scroll / Stonerunes Source: RTW II Colony Law / Provincial Law/SatrapyLaw/ King'sWill Civil Buildings cost -15% stone, Vilagers 10% Health +2 terrtory influenceforhouses Phase: 3 Cost 50 food, 25 metal 25 wood Research Time: 100s Civilization(s): All Illustration: godess justice/ Stonerunes/ Persian Symbol/Mauryan Symbol Source: RTW II Needs: Local Law Village Watch Phase: 1 Improves Buildings +25% Line-of-Sight LOS Research Costs: 100 Food Research Time: 20s Civilization(s): All Illustration: a torch or militia walking Source: AOEO, AOK Town Watch Phase: 2 Cost300 Food, 200 metal Research Time: 50s StatsBuilding LOS +4 except Ouposts Civilization(s): All Illustration: a torch or militia walking Source: AOEO, AOK Concil of Elders Research -15% time +20% cost Phase: 3 Cost 1000 Food 1000 metal Research Time: 100 sec Civilization(s):All House Technologies Tailors/ Tailoring Village/Female Villagers HP +15 Armor+1 Phase: 2 Research Costs: 100 Food Research Time: 10s Civilization(s): All Illustration: fabric or scissors Source: Caesar 4 based Corral Technologies Herding Dogs Increases Villager & Cavalry gathering rate from Animals. +50% Speed Herding Phase: 1 Research Costs: 150 Wood, 50 Gold Research Time: 30s Civilization(s): All Needs Hunting Dogs Illustration: dog Source: AOM, AOE III Farmstead Technologies Hunting Dogs Increases Villager gathering rate from Animals. +10% Speed Herding +50% Speed Hunting Phase: 1 Research Costs: 150 Wood, 50 Gold Research Time: 30s Civilization(s): All Illustration: dog Source: Caesar 4 based Dock Technologies Net Lures Improves Fising neat +20% Gathering Rate +25% Carry Capacity Research Costs: 75 Wood, 50 food Phase: 1 Research Costs: Research Time: 30s Civilization(s): All Temple Technologies Philosophy / Folklorik Inheritance/ Concillors Reduces upgrades research time at Buildings. -40% Research Time Phase: 2 Research Costs: 100 Food, 200 metal Research Time: 30 sec Civilization(s):All Illustration Papyre Scroll / Celtic symbol / Iberian Symbol / Indian Symbol Statal Religion/ Natural Gods Increaseshealer speed +20% Phase: 2 Research Costs: 100 Food, 200 metal Research Time: 30 sec Civilization(s):All Illustration Papyre Scroll / Celtic symbol / Iberian Symbol / Indian Symbol Worship toAres/Mars/Kartikeya/Andarta/Belatucadros/Chi You/Anhur/Laran/ Cariocecus/Ishtar/Anat (War God) Phase: 2 BuildingTemple Cost120 metal Stats Melee Attack, Speed, and Hit Points increased 10% Research Time: 30 sec Civilization(s):All Diferent names for ech one Worship toCeres/Demeter/Baal/Damara/Osiris/Bhūmi/Anahita/Damona/Lurbira(Fertilygod) -5 cost farm +25% Farmnig rate Phase: 2 Cost120 metal Research Time: 30 sec Civilization(s):All Diferent names for ech one Source: Caesar 3 based Prophet/Augure/Oracle/Divine visions +50% HP to Healer Phase: 2 Cost120 metal Research Time: 100 sec Civilization(s):All Source: EE I & aoeo Astrology / Astronomy temple generates 20 metal per minute Phase: 3/4 Cost 600 metal Research Time: 120 sec Civilization(s):All Source:RTW 2 & AOE I Market Technologies Tax Collectors Market use bart cost reduced to 15%. Phase: 2 Cost 300 Food 100 metal Research Time: 60 sec Civilization(s):All Source:AOM Common Weights and Measures Improves trade 25% Phase: 2 Cost 200 Food 200 metal Research Time: 30 sec Civilization(s):All Source:RTW II Common Currency Improves trade 25% Phase: 3 Cost 200 Food 200 metal Research Time: 90 sec Civilization(s):All Source:RTW II BlackSmith Technologies Wicker Shield / Wooden Shield InfantryUnits 10% pierce armor Cavalry 15% pierce armor Hero 25% pierce armor Phase: 2 Cost150 Wood 50 metal Time30 Civilization(s):All Source: AOM Bronze Shields InfantryUnits melee10% pierce armor Cavalry melee 15% pierce armor Hero 25% pierce armor Phase: 2 Cost150 metal Time30 secs Civilization(s):All Except (mauryans and Persians) Source:AOM LeatherArmor Infantry units 20% hack armor Cavalry units 15% hack armor Hero units 25% hack armor Phase: 2 Cost150 Food Time30 secs Civilization(s):All Except Source:AOM, AOE I forge Increases melee damage for all Military units. except Elephants andSlingers +20% Melee-Infantry Damage +15% Melee-Cavalry Damage Research Costs: 150 Wood, 150 Gold, 75 Stone Research Time: 60s Civilization(s): All Outpost Technologies Signal Fire Phase: 1 double arrows for outpost +1 range +2 LOS Towers, Outposts, Turrets Cost wood 100 Research Time: 10 sec Civilization(s):All Source:AOM Fortress Technologies BoilingOil Removes the minimum firing range of defensive buildings. Phase: 3 Cost 300 Wood 100 Food Time 40 Research Time: 100 sec Civilization(s):All Source:AOM Barracks Technologies Physical Conditioning Effect: Decreases Training time for all Infantry units -20% Training time Phase: 2 Research Costs: 150 Food, 100 Metal Research Time: 20s Civilization(s): All Illustration: body muscles toned Source: AOEO Combined Arms Decreases Training time for all Infantry units -30% Training Time Phase: 3 Research Costs: 300 Food, 200 Metal Research Time: 40s Civilization(s): All Source: AOEO Illustration: Spear and Sword Close Combat Expertise / Martial Arts Improves for all Infantry units needs Physical Conditioning +15% Health +15% Damage Phase: 3 Research Costs: 900 Food, 600 Metal Research Time: 80s Civilization(s): All Source: AOEO Illustration: hand and fisting pounch Heated Shot Ranged Infantry +20% against Buildings Tower attack against Ships +125%, Castle +25% attack against Ships. Phase: 3 or 4 Cost350 Food, 100 Metal Research Time: 80s Civilization(s): All Source: AOK based Illustration: arrow with fire Bracer Cost: 300 Food, 200 Metal Improves Archers, Cavalry Archers, Fortress, Civic Centers, Towers, Ouposts,Ships+1 attack, +1 range Phase: 1 Research Time: 40s Civilization(s): All Source: AOK based Illustration: Bracer Needs: Leathecraft Mounted Training +10% Movement Speed. Phase: 2 Research Costs: 150 Food, 100 Gold Research Time: 20s Civilization(s): All Source: AOEO
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- Lon.Kanzen
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