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  1. === Once, some new 0ad player created a map called "map-rheinland". It was supposed to play around a river in old Germania. He tried to imagine how such rivers might have been like, long ago. He had no experience in the game and no idea of the balance whatsoever, so he simply decided to place ore in the mountains and rocks in the swamps and rivers. It was published soon. Since the original map became unloadable with vanilla, a multiplayer / skirmish map is being created from scratch. The main thread, which you are reading now, has been edited and renamed. This could someday become a map pack. I am not sure yet. === While there is further development, i provide the mod in this thread, so it can be used until existing problems are fixed. Also, please consider that it is recommended to use Alpha 27 with Vulkan Backend for good performance / stability. Maps can be huge and contain many resources. For me it works fine with Vulkan on mid-end system. The A27 version of the map... requires Delanda Est, which does not apply to the old A26 map. For some reason, after i had opened the map in Atlas - with DE activated -, the game cannot find any objects when loading it with vanilla 0ad. I try to find out why that happens and will provide the fix. While that is so, the Skirmish version of the map is supposed to work on Vanilla (although, as mentioned, it does not, right now). But for now, it should not be played anyway. I was focussing more on the DE scenario (see below), so that the Skirmish remains kind of unfinished. TBD. The A27 file can be found at the end of this post. Delanda Est Patch On top of that, you can then use the Delanda-Est patch if you like to. It contains a Scenario (1p vs 4 AI) aswell as balancing changes for DE that are designed for this very map. So please remember to turn it off when you play another map - else it will likely disrupt the balance of the original mod. The old file... If you want to play the vanilla map, you can still get the old A26 modfile on mod.io (ingame mod menu) - but it only has 3 player slots, it is not balanced and the terrain and forests are much more generic and dull. Also be aware that there may be changes in the file structure - renaming for example. Need to get a better overview of the map Sources for creation (for myself; can contain german articles. Feel free to share knowledge about how the terrain might have looked like at the time): "Geschichte des Waldes in Mitteleuropa" - Wikipedia (has translations) "Wie breit war der Rhein früher" - the-duesseldorfer.de "Der Rhein in römischer Zeit" - neuss.de "Maps reveal the historical path of the rhine" - uu.nl "Publius Cornelius Tacitus described "Free Germania" (Germania magna) in the 1st century as "terra aut silvis horrida aut paludibus foeda" – a land, covered by horrid forests or loathsome bogs. Tacitus' Mediterranean homeland at that time had already been a cultural landscape for centuries, its forests cleared for fields, orchards and towns, to say nothing of the use of wood for home fires and maritime construction." - Wikipedia Current Map: Old image: ================================================= FILES map-rheinland.pyromod REQUIRES 0ad A27 AND Delanda Est (for now) map-rheinland-v02-patch-delanda-est.pyromod REQUIRES 0ad A27 AND map-rheinland.pyromod AND Delanda Est =================================================
  2. Empires Apart is an upcoming RTS that “wants to be Age of Empires at heart”, say Slitherine, who have just announced that they’ll be publishing DESTINYbit’s game when it’s ready for release in the second half of 2017. I hadn’t heard of the title until today, so I’ve been digging through old development video blogs like a digital archaeologist. You can see the three videos produced to date below, as well as an announcement trailer.
  3. What do you think about introduction of the new resourse? Each person will need 30 units of textiles.
  4. Hello, I saw a few days ago that a feature freeze for Alpha 20 Milestone was due soon but now that I've come back to check the roadmap http://trac.wildfiregames.com/roadmap I see that the freeze was postponed 3 weeks ahead. Why is that so? I don't mean to put pressure for the Alpha 20 release, I am just curious about the reasons for this. Maybe there are not enough new features added to the game since Alpha 19? Thinking positively, this allows lybomirv and me to make the Bulgarian translation even better for Alpha 20
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