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  1. icons for mods etc... Golden magnifying glass. plus minus ai icon
  2. New standard. Background template. TY to @wowgetoffyourcellphone
  3. One my youtubers talking about Shields. A review about them.
  4. Introduction. May be many of them can be in final release. I want to create a "mod" where players can find contrnido and extra gameplay under the supervision of COM and WFG team, do this group of extras modifications would be something like a small expansion to the game, and as an artistic contribution from me to you guys For now this a little scratchy Mini factions: Mercenaries and Gaia Neutral from Subfactions Marcenary Camp These places are special sites located near Native Mercenaries of each biomes, settlements or along Trade Routes. An Explorer or a Settler can build the Marcenary Camp on one of these pre-placed sites. If built at a Native settlement, it establishes an alliance with the tribe there. If built near a Trade Route it establishes a post where the passing trade unit - a Travois, Stage Coach or Train - delivers goods as it passes. Allying with Natives allows a player to train special Native units, usually warriors, and also grants access to a group of improvements to that tribe. Native units do not cost any population spaces, but can only be built in limited numbers. Building a Marcenary Camp is a good way to supplement resource gathering or the speed at which you may request Shipments from the Home City. An improvement in the Marcenary Camp increases the speed at wich the trade unit delivers goods. The route starts out serviced by a lone Travois. As you improve it, it becomes a Stage Coach and finally a Train. Anyone who builds a Marcenary Camp along a Trade Route is granted line of sight around the trade unit. This means that as the trade unit passes into the Fog of War or completely unexplored areas, you will be able to see what is immediatly beyond the Train. BUt the Mercenary need a List of Warriors I do it One. List units to do. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18360&hl=%2Bmercenary+%2Bcamp How works the Minifaction in a Map? indigenous peoples that live on the maps where battles take place in 0.AD. They start off as neutral players and simply go about the business of building their own civilizations. While not that difficult to wipe out, the true strategy lies in making peace with them and bringing them in to your civilization. These native tribes hold the secrets to the lands they live on, and any player wily enough to make peace and ally with them will receive extremely powerful bonuses. Your entire army can hit for much more damage, or you can research technology twice as fast! These bonuses are permanent as well--as long as the player keeps the native tribe alive. Such an advantage can easily turn the tide against any enemy, and it adds a whole new layer of strategy--past the standard "destroy anything that moves" type of thinking. ########################################################################################################## Now my idea is use these ideas to improved the skirmish, scenarios and may be random map http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17430 Subfactions: Pontus: greeks and persian mix Altaernates to real one, Lusitans, Thebans, African, Pontos, Armenian,Jews,Galatians,Numidians. should still be at least relatively associated with the playable civs and have the possibility of having been encountered by at least one of them, while also taking into consideration that some of these "minor civs" could have enough going for them that they could be full playable factions later on. for example, the Japanese (specifically of the Yamato period) fall into 0ad's timeframe, as does Han China and the Mayans (all three of which are among my top proposals for later civs to be included). that's why i suggest civs that are already partly included via units for a given civ (Israelites/Judaeans via the Ptolemies, Mauritanians via the Carthaginians, Babylonians via the Persians, etc.) and then considering other civs we know that the various playable factions encountered historically Phase Pass Selector: Similar to the "minor gods" system in and Age of Empires III uses a "Politician System" to grant bonuses on a successful advancement to another phase. When the player chooses to advance to the next age, who is given the choice of two or more "Politicians" in my mod can be Dynasties like Total War. that provide them with a different bonus on choosing them. The Dynasty is given a generalized title from the period that usually reflects the bonus that it gives. How works in AoM Every time a player advances to the next age, a "minor god" is selected. Minor gods are slightly less significant historically than their major counterparts. Some minor gods include Bast andAphrodite.[10] All gods grant the player unique technologies, myth units, and a unique "god power"A one-time special ability that can either damage an opponent, or benefit the player that uses it. so we can do it. his is similar to the technological phases presented in similar RTS franchises. Before the player can progress to the next phase, a choice between two historical politicians in this case dynaties, are presented, with a different bonus being associated with either one. Abilities Reversible Technologies More Technologies; Adding Largest tech tree. may be 10 level per pair. Increasing Support and Special units Scouts- Fast, but unarmed. Use Counterintelligence to destroy enemy Spies and to remove Informers. -When Explorers arent moving they cant normally be seen by most enemy units. -Can spot hidden enemy units Merchants are unique resource gatherers, which allow you to acquire rare resources such as Wine, Diamonds and Horses. To activate this unique attribute, you need to deploy a merchant next to a rare resource to claim it. Spy- Can Bribe enemy combat units to join your nation.Can plant Informers to gain information on enemy buildings and units.Can use Counterintelligence to destroy enemy Spies and to remove Informers. Revolutions is a feature available in the Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs expansion. It allows player' to revolt from their home country and form a new political entity with additional unit types and specific bonuses, but prevents advancement into the Imperial Age. The feature is only available to European civilizations. Revolting is an alternative to the Imperial Age allowing a choice of one of two revolutionary leaders per civilization, each with different bonuses. Once revolution is researched, the Home City flag will change to the flag of the relevant new country and no previously available Home City shipments can be sent from the current Home City deck. However, a new deck of four separate shipments will become available and can be sent for an indefinite amount. No new Settlers can be produced and all existing Settlers turn into Colonial Militia. how works in AOE. An interesting new feature added is the 'Revolution' option, which is an alternative to aging to the Imperial Age. Once in the Industrial Age, you have the option of aging to the Imperial Age, or paying 1000 food, 1000 wood and 1000 gold to revolt. Only the European civilizations are able to revolt. In a 1v1 game, only one player is allowed to revolt; i.e. if you revolt, your opponent will not be able to, and vice versa. Likewise, in a team game, if a player on one team revolts, any players on the opposing team will not be able to. So what does a Revolution actually do? If you choose to revolt you will be given two different 'Revolutionaries' to choose from (acting like the standard politicians when you age up normally), each with their own bonus. The Revolutionaries are different for each European civilization. When the revolution is complete your home city and deck is replaced with a new home city and deck, with 4 new cards available: shipping more Militia, Gatling Guns, Ironclads and Fort Wagons, each of which can be sent infinite times. All the player's settlers will change into colonial militia, and the player will not be able to train any more; so the players economy will grind to a halt, although Fishing Boats will still be able to fish for food and coin, and the player can still generate resources through Trading Posts, Factories and if Dutch, Banks. It is also worth noting that the Germans can still train Settler Wagons. The upside is that the player who revolts has a military advantage due to weight of numbers, putting the Imperialist player on the back foot. Sorry Im Working in this. I need investigate the real features by developers to introduce to you this experience DLC .
  5. I open this topic to create with teammates props per icons related to technologies so to The community is open to participate. First Loom... @stanislas69 you can help ...:)
  6. This one is Template Tech tree for Antiquity Theme Based in several Strategy games and 0.A.D Colony Concept is complement to A17. My Technology tree, is incomplete because the other part is the Official Tech Tree (A17 Release) and are missing some Special Technologies for each Faction and Civilizations because is generic have Basic Technologies for every Civilization in Ancient Time Frame (Bronze and Iron Late Antiquity) I was posted here becasuse Im not sure if Devs are interesting in or some Modders. Can be Adapted to Medieval nd other Ages. Civic Centre Technologies Craftmanship Artists Villagers construct buildings 20% faster Phase: 3/4 Cost200 Wood, 300 Food Research Time: 50s Civilization(s): All Illustration: mason and carpenterstools Source:AOE andAOK Local Laws / Legal Documentation Civil Buildings cost -15% wood, Vilagers 10% Health Phase: 2 Cost 50 food, 25 metal 25 wood Research Time: 100s Civilization(s): All (Local Law for Celts,Iberians and Legal for the others ) Illustration: papyrus scroll / Stonerunes Source: RTW II Colony Law / Provincial Law/SatrapyLaw/ King'sWill Civil Buildings cost -15% stone, Vilagers 10% Health +2 terrtory influenceforhouses Phase: 3 Cost 50 food, 25 metal 25 wood Research Time: 100s Civilization(s): All Illustration: godess justice/ Stonerunes/ Persian Symbol/Mauryan Symbol Source: RTW II Needs: Local Law Village Watch Phase: 1 Improves Buildings +25% Line-of-Sight LOS Research Costs: 100 Food Research Time: 20s Civilization(s): All Illustration: a torch or militia walking Source: AOEO, AOK Town Watch Phase: 2 Cost300 Food, 200 metal Research Time: 50s StatsBuilding LOS +4 except Ouposts Civilization(s): All Illustration: a torch or militia walking Source: AOEO, AOK Concil of Elders Research -15% time +20% cost Phase: 3 Cost 1000 Food 1000 metal Research Time: 100 sec Civilization(s):All House Technologies Tailors/ Tailoring Village/Female Villagers HP +15 Armor+1 Phase: 2 Research Costs: 100 Food Research Time: 10s Civilization(s): All Illustration: fabric or scissors Source: Caesar 4 based Corral Technologies Herding Dogs Increases Villager & Cavalry gathering rate from Animals. +50% Speed Herding Phase: 1 Research Costs: 150 Wood, 50 Gold Research Time: 30s Civilization(s): All Needs Hunting Dogs Illustration: dog Source: AOM, AOE III Farmstead Technologies Hunting Dogs Increases Villager gathering rate from Animals. +10% Speed Herding +50% Speed Hunting Phase: 1 Research Costs: 150 Wood, 50 Gold Research Time: 30s Civilization(s): All Illustration: dog Source: Caesar 4 based Dock Technologies Net Lures Improves Fising neat +20% Gathering Rate +25% Carry Capacity Research Costs: 75 Wood, 50 food Phase: 1 Research Costs: Research Time: 30s Civilization(s): All Temple Technologies Philosophy / Folklorik Inheritance/ Concillors Reduces upgrades research time at Buildings. -40% Research Time Phase: 2 Research Costs: 100 Food, 200 metal Research Time: 30 sec Civilization(s):All Illustration Papyre Scroll / Celtic symbol / Iberian Symbol / Indian Symbol Statal Religion/ Natural Gods Increaseshealer speed +20% Phase: 2 Research Costs: 100 Food, 200 metal Research Time: 30 sec Civilization(s):All Illustration Papyre Scroll / Celtic symbol / Iberian Symbol / Indian Symbol Worship toAres/Mars/Kartikeya/Andarta/Belatucadros/Chi You/Anhur/Laran/ Cariocecus/Ishtar/Anat (War God) Phase: 2 BuildingTemple Cost120 metal Stats Melee Attack, Speed, and Hit Points increased 10% Research Time: 30 sec Civilization(s):All Diferent names for ech one Worship toCeres/Demeter/Baal/Damara/Osiris/Bhūmi/Anahita/Damona/Lurbira(Fertilygod) -5 cost farm +25% Farmnig rate Phase: 2 Cost120 metal Research Time: 30 sec Civilization(s):All Diferent names for ech one Source: Caesar 3 based Prophet/Augure/Oracle/Divine visions +50% HP to Healer Phase: 2 Cost120 metal Research Time: 100 sec Civilization(s):All Source: EE I & aoeo Astrology / Astronomy temple generates 20 metal per minute Phase: 3/4 Cost 600 metal Research Time: 120 sec Civilization(s):All Source:RTW 2 & AOE I Market Technologies Tax Collectors Market use bart cost reduced to 15%. Phase: 2 Cost 300 Food 100 metal Research Time: 60 sec Civilization(s):All Source:AOM Common Weights and Measures Improves trade 25% Phase: 2 Cost 200 Food 200 metal Research Time: 30 sec Civilization(s):All Source:RTW II Common Currency Improves trade 25% Phase: 3 Cost 200 Food 200 metal Research Time: 90 sec Civilization(s):All Source:RTW II BlackSmith Technologies Wicker Shield / Wooden Shield InfantryUnits 10% pierce armor Cavalry 15% pierce armor Hero 25% pierce armor Phase: 2 Cost150 Wood 50 metal Time30 Civilization(s):All Source: AOM Bronze Shields InfantryUnits melee10% pierce armor Cavalry melee 15% pierce armor Hero 25% pierce armor Phase: 2 Cost150 metal Time30 secs Civilization(s):All Except (mauryans and Persians) Source:AOM LeatherArmor Infantry units 20% hack armor Cavalry units 15% hack armor Hero units 25% hack armor Phase: 2 Cost150 Food Time30 secs Civilization(s):All Except Source:AOM, AOE I forge Increases melee damage for all Military units. except Elephants andSlingers +20% Melee-Infantry Damage +15% Melee-Cavalry Damage Research Costs: 150 Wood, 150 Gold, 75 Stone Research Time: 60s Civilization(s): All Outpost Technologies Signal Fire Phase: 1 double arrows for outpost +1 range +2 LOS Towers, Outposts, Turrets Cost wood 100 Research Time: 10 sec Civilization(s):All Source:AOM Fortress Technologies BoilingOil Removes the minimum firing range of defensive buildings. Phase: 3 Cost 300 Wood 100 Food Time 40 Research Time: 100 sec Civilization(s):All Source:AOM Barracks Technologies Physical Conditioning Effect: Decreases Training time for all Infantry units -20% Training time Phase: 2 Research Costs: 150 Food, 100 Metal Research Time: 20s Civilization(s): All Illustration: body muscles toned Source: AOEO Combined Arms Decreases Training time for all Infantry units -30% Training Time Phase: 3 Research Costs: 300 Food, 200 Metal Research Time: 40s Civilization(s): All Source: AOEO Illustration: Spear and Sword Close Combat Expertise / Martial Arts Improves for all Infantry units needs Physical Conditioning +15% Health +15% Damage Phase: 3 Research Costs: 900 Food, 600 Metal Research Time: 80s Civilization(s): All Source: AOEO Illustration: hand and fisting pounch Heated Shot Ranged Infantry +20% against Buildings Tower attack against Ships +125%, Castle +25% attack against Ships. Phase: 3 or 4 Cost350 Food, 100 Metal Research Time: 80s Civilization(s): All Source: AOK based Illustration: arrow with fire Bracer Cost: 300 Food, 200 Metal Improves Archers, Cavalry Archers, Fortress, Civic Centers, Towers, Ouposts,Ships+1 attack, +1 range Phase: 1 Research Time: 40s Civilization(s): All Source: AOK based Illustration: Bracer Needs: Leathecraft Mounted Training +10% Movement Speed. Phase: 2 Research Costs: 150 Food, 100 Gold Research Time: 20s Civilization(s): All Source: AOEO
  7. Proposal for Aristeia Hello team developers , players and contributors, I want diversify Aristeia gameplay, using other mods. - I ask to @Wowgetoffyourcellphone if I can use some of Delenda est code to our game. The included changes will be - can build storehouses and farmsteads outside territory but they lost health ( Delenda est) - have temple bonus heal nearby units with visual aura (Delenda est) -have Lordgood wheat farms ( Ponies Ascendants) -have Lion's basic tech tree ( see the link. http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19468&hl=lion) as default for every culture. -implement basic units for Minoans and Mycenaeans a unit with a dagger( Minoans) , short-swordsman, archer, spearman, hoplite and spearman cavalry My next changes in Aristeia will be: New icons to the buildings New textures for Minoans and Mycenaeans @niektb we can add this to task to Git Hub, what you think?
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