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Found 3 results

  1. I would like to propose making an playlist of how to create a mod in official youtube channel for 0 AD. I can talk about some reasons, facilities of having a playlist called how to mod 0 AD. 1. People will have a clear idea about the setup and coding process. 2. very good idea on mod structure. 3. 0 AD can have a lot of programmers. 4. many mods could be build. 5. programmers will get a very intense and practical knowledge on programming. 6.people might encourage to play/help 0AD more. 7.It can generate a small donation from both channel and people. Some Pre Answer 1. Videoes make more sense primarily than reading. 2.Videoes inspire more.
  2. What can I change in the 0 A.D. game when I sell it? Can I completely redo the main menu screen and put my name on it, or do I have to keep the Wildfire games logo on there? Can I change the window name and logo? What can and can't I do? If I can change the wildfire games logo on the main menu, I will still mention that I was helped by Wildfire Games.
  3. So in the battle royale of general RTS enginee I have selected three to compare. I am comparing Spring Engine, Pyrogenesis, and SAGE. Spring Engine has the games Speing 1944, and Imperial Winter, Pyrogenesis has 0 AD, and SAGE has the C&C series. This will not be a game discussion, this is a discussion of the technical aspects: which is more optimized, which has the ability to use guns, which has the ability to do meleƩ better, and so on.
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