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Found 21 results

  1. Just came to share the final version of the Rise of Rome, scenario. The files go into your MOD or Scenario file inside your 0 AD main File. Enjoy eveEMPIRES AT WAR, RISE OF ROME BETA 1.xmlEMPIRES AT WAR, RISE OF ROME BETA 1.pmprybody.
  2. Here are the files, they are made in alpha 24 version but can be used in all versions. The two files go into your mod or 0 AD scenario file. Enjoy. EMPIRES AT WAR, RISE OF ROME BETA 1.xml 1861939519_EMPIRESATWARRISEOFROMEBETA1.pmp
  3. Hi everyone, just came to share these pictures with you all about the 0 AD Empires at War, Rise of Rome campaign. I have been working on this Gigantic map for this campaign. The Campaign is made for a solo player, but it can be set for up to 8 players if your PC have the power to push so many units at the same time. My PC can do up to 3 active Al so far, Plus the Gaia player. In this campaign, you play as Rome, and have to defeat all faction and conquer the Whole map. You will have to fight Gauls, Carthaginians, Samnites, Greeks, Spartans, Ptolomeans, Seleucids, Macedonians, Britons, North African mercenaries and Pirates, Capture Catafalques, Cities, Ports and Towns to expand your empire and conquest the Ancient Mediterranean, Southern Europe, Anatolia, Palestine and North Africa. The Map is gigantic, so expect a lot of hours of play, many Epic battles and skirmishes. The enemies you will encounter are not easy to defeat as many may believe at first, so a lot of Strategy for battle hardened players will be a most in order to defeat them. So far, the Tests I have been running are working fine, no error so far. Making all these Factions and units to behave as closely as possible to their own Historical situations 0 AD stile, have been a Challenge for me, so to keep the campaign balanced as well. But is something I did with a lot of Love and passion for this game. I do really admire and love the design and the hard work so many of you, game designers, had put to make this open source Universe possible. My respect and admiration is with you all for such an outstanding job. I will be publishing the campaign soon, here at the Forum, for you all to download and add to your collection of maps, scenarios and campaigns. Here are some pictures I want to share. Thank you all for your time and attention.
  4. Hi guys, here is a picture of the Empires at War, Rise of Rome I made , using the 0 AD Scenario Editor...I have been working over a year on it, and posted some pictures of how is looking, for you guys to see, and I think is finally done, after more than a year making it... I really would like to share it with you guys, but I don't know how to upload , so any help from any of you that know how to do it is welcome...The map is Gigantic, and It represents Southern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, the map and the factions can be modified to your own taste as you like. The scenario I made for this map is set for 4 players, Rome, Carthage, The Gauls, and the Seleucid Empire. You can play any of them or set them as AL players as you like. I make the map to look as close as possible to the real Geographical shape of Southern Europe, The Mediterranean sea, Northern Africa and the region of Palestine and the Anatolia peninsula, and the map is packed with gaia factions that will attack and defend their small buffer states from all All main players including the AL bot. So as you move across the map expanding your empire you will also encounter Sasanids, Gauls and Germanic tribes, Greeks, Spartans, Macedonians, Iberians, Britons , Ptolemaics , Desert Pirates and mercenaries. The map have cities and ports that represent real cities and towns from that age that need to be capture or destroy for their strategic value and a lot of resources for all player to capture and keep expanding. You can set this map as you like...I usually play with the Roman Republic...so that's why I call it Rise of Rome, but you all can play and set the scenario as you like, Hope you guys enjoy it , and if possible, make it better than what I did...I am pretty sure many of you will, and I see forward to that. I just need advice on how to upload here for you guys to play and get it tested, and fix it from any errors if you find any, and make it better... May the Only true God be always by our side... ....You can write me to my gmail account. charliechill17pr@gmail.com. Thank you all for your time and attention.
  5. Hi everyone just came to say hi, and to share some Pictures of the Empires At war Rise of Rome 0AD Scenario that I have been working on for almost a year... Just have some talks with Lopess, a Brazilian moder, I meet at this forum. to join forces and make this scenario a Solid 0 AD Game scenario for all you guys to enjoy and play, or modified as you like, with the Roman Republic as the main protagonist, and it's chronological history of conquest and expansion across the whole Mediterranean Sea and Central Europe. Here, I'm sharing some pictures with some remarks, so you all can get an Idea of how it is coming so far. Share your ideas and opinions, all criticism, good or bad are welcome, specially suggestions...and thanks for sharing. Remarks are in Spanish, so to those That don't speak Spanish, I'm sorry guys... But that is the language I used to communicate with Lopess who speak Portuguese, too...and I send pictures to him first and now I'm sharing them here...but you guys get the idea... Peace and prosperity be with you all. Thanks for sharing, guys.
  6. Hi Loppe, thanks for the reply. Please, tell me about Github....So about yourself as a modder and designer. To be honest, My experience designing units and characters for games, is almost 0, 0 AD is my first try at it. The empires at war scenario I am working is set for 4 Players, The Romans, The Carthaginians, The Gauls and the Seleucid. The Iberian, Greeks, Spartans, Macedonians, Ptolemies Britons, and Other Gauls tribes are in the scenario as Gaia players , and are basically buffer states between the main factions. I want to add Mediterranean pirates for the Aegean Sea region of the map, And North African pirates and mercenaries for the North Africans. So far I am using Kush, some Spartans, and Black cloaks mercs, all mix up, to represent North African Libyan Pirates in the North African region of the map. I also would like to get Numidians mercenaries and Germans to add to the scenario. Those Illyrians you are suggesting look pretty good. They will do good as Aegean pirates. I also would like to get rid of some trees that I put by mistake on a small area of the map and can't remove them. So if you know, let me know. The Version I'm using is 0 AD 24. I will change to the new 25, once the scenario is finish, as long as there is a way to save the scenario and then added to version 25. I have been working on this scenario for almost a year now and will hate to see all that time I put on it. Wasted. What can you tell me about yourself?? Please get with me on private, so we can talk. Feel free to contact me in private. And thanks so much for your time and attention. Cheers.
  7. Hi guys, I am looking for ways to make some units become Mediterranean Pirates, adventures and mercenaries so they can be their own individual faction. I find many of the units from the different factions to look amazing and perfect to mix them with others from other factions and build some kind of pirate federation or a Mercenary faction with a mix of the coolest looking units from all the factions in the game... For example, I want Ilyrians pirates and North Africans to be independent factions that can be play by the Al or a player against the Carthaginians and The Romans, I mix them well as long as the editor is in Al mod...But don't know if I can make them an independant faction That I can play or the all can play...do any of you know about any mod about pirates and mercs?? Because I would like a few factions with that description for The Empires at war map project I'm doing as personal hobby. So please let me know... I also would like to know about any Germanic mod, if there is any...So Danish as well, If anyone knows, please share??? I have already seen the Lusitanias one of your guys made... And Love them! About The Romans, if there is any way to make the Champion Swordsman evolve in to the Bad ass looking one with armor from the 3 AC century??? I love the design in that unit. Whoever made it, kick ass. Any Numidians??? Anyone knows about any mod with Numidians??? Does anyone know how a faction persuade enemy units to desert and become merc units for whatever faction have the money to expend on them for certain period of time before they get kill or hire by other players during a match?? Please let me know.. Thank you 0 AD Team. I love what you guys have done. Keep it up and keep them coming. Thanks.
  8. Just came to say hi to everyone and to share this excellent documentary made by Kings and Generals about the Cesar's Civil war. The Documentary have splendid art and animation from the total War engine, and plenty of details about the military and political strategies from that age. As some of you know, I'm still working on my Gigantic, Empires at War scenario map, covering The Mediterranean and Southern Europe geography and all the right locations for all civilizations in the O AD game. As soon as I feel it is ready, I will publish it and share it here it with all you guys. The project is not as easy to make as I thought, because of all the details and the time it is taking me, but so far is looking good, and the latest testing are not showing errors so far. I am sharing a pick here, so you all can see how it is looking so far. By the way, does anyone know how to remove Actors features?? I made a small mistake while designing the map and have a few trees that I would like to remove, but don't know how. I will appreciate any tips you guys can share, so I can make it better. Likewise, I hope you all enjoy the documentary. Thanks everyone for your time and attention. Peace.
  9. Just came to say Hi, and to recommend you guys to check this show...If you are in to history ,adventures, sword fights, politic, espionage, war, romance, mysticism, culture, traditions, Templar Knights, Mongols, Nomads, Saracens, Byzantines, Crusaders, This is the SHOW... The series was made by Turkey, and its production quality is 5 stars, I have been following the show, and I'm in love with it...I thought it was so good that I should share it here with all of you guys. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did....By the way, I keep polishing the Empires at War scenario and will publish it as soon as I feel is right for launch. Thank you all for your time and attention.
  10. Well, Yes, The Carthaginians are the only faction with an elephant stable at the beginning of the Empires at War scenario. But if that is all that will affect it. No problem then.
  11. Hey Fregara, thanks for the reply,....Do I have to create a file with the name Empires at War as <yourmodfolder> and put it inside the mod folder before I make the other files??/ And then make the The \art\textures\ui\session\icons\mappreview`.), each as a folder??? or one folder for each inside another till the last file,???? And thanks once again man, Thanks a lot!
  12. Saludos Lion. Que agradable sorpresa, No esperaba que me contestaras, Gracias por la cortesía de tu atención. A tu pregunta, te contestaré con toda honestidad.... Que quise publicar esos picks en la comunidad, porque quería mostrar las diferentes faciones del escenario con un toque artístico, usando el formidable decorado del escenario editor, para presentar el concepto entre los miembros de la comunidad y su vez, mostrar al gran equipo de diseñadores, artistas y programadores, lo que un fanático del juego, que ama la historia del periodo y ama 0 AD, es capaz de hacer, gracias a la inspiración que este formidable editor creado por ustedes, ...Y con mucha alegría lo quise compartir con todos. Cuando el escenario, esté listo,te mandaré un Link, para que lo bajes, lo veas, y lo modifiques a tu gusto, si te interesa y consideras que vale la pena echarle un vistazo. Y no solamente tu, pero toda la comunidad que muestre un interés en ello. EMPIRES AT WAR es un escenario totalmente OPEN SOURCE, siguiendo la tradición y espíritu de compartir universalmente y gratuitamente de sus creadores originales. EMPIRES AT WAR esta basado en la Historia clásica del periodo, con las facciones protagónicas que participaron en la época y su drama ocurre unos 300 años más o menos, luego de la muerte de Alejandro el Grande. Y este es solo el primero de muchos otros escenarios basados en Batallas y conflictos del periodo clásico, que pienso hace para compartir con toda la comunidad, Esa es mi absoluta intención, como fanático y seguidor del juego. Gracias por el tiempo y la atención. Hasta Luego.
  13. The Iberian Peninsula. In the Empires at war scenario, Carthage invaded the Iberian Peninsula and control the South of the Peninsula from their city of Cadiz, but it will not be an easy task. The Roman Republic have become an ally of the Iberian fortified town of Tarrasco, and of Two Old Greek colonies in the northern region of the peninsula. In the western mountainous northern region, the Iberian tribes lurk in the mountains, maintaining a strong and powerful presence in the region that is as much of a treat to Carthage as to the Romans, and it's allies.
  14. Just came to share some previews about how The Empires at War scenario is doing so far...by the way... How do I introduce a pick of the scenario on the previews picture section of the Atlas editor??? If anyone knows...please let me know and thanks.
  15. I like your mod...love the music too... ...I have been playing like for 5 months now, and decide to make a scenario too.. At first, It was design for 8 players, but issues with the population, and the game freezing, forced me to make it for 5 players instead, with the other factions becoming buffer states...As you, I am also working on a scenario base on the map of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. I have named O AD Empires at War... Hopefully it will be published soon.. here is how is looking so far.
  16. Hi Yakaterina, I like it, cool concept.... Just one small suggestion on the Thracians...make all the roofs of all buildings, the same color... About those Illirians, I think that those guys did some piracy for some time under a Pirate queen, I watched a Kings and Generals video in Youtube, telling the story.... It will be great to make an scenario base on that war... The Roman Republic end up sending an Army to Illiria to get them.....anyway...is looking nice.... I like them.... .I am new to the game, and fallen in love with the Atlas Editor. Been playing and experimenting, learning and at this moment, working on a Scenario, that I have been going around showing to other players here on the forum, for the last few weeks...to see if anyone with experience at modding, or designing scenarios can help me polish it, either by testing, or by programming, or art design... I named 0 AD Empires at War, and is for 8 players or one or a few players against the Al....the scenario is base on the central European and Mediterranean world, and look like a Huge caricature of all that region, is a gigantic map, and have the 8 main civilizations of the age that tend to be the most popular or mainstream, or most History books. I have the Illirians and Pirrians as buffer states in the scenario, so a few Gaul tribes spread across what is supposed to be France, Germany and the low countries... I don't have the Thracians because I understand they were Macedonians or very closed related to that civilization, and are therefore well represented by the Macedonians, Someone should make the Germans, some day...anyway...... I do really like what I see on those pictures of your mod and would like to add those 2 to the 0 AD Empires at War scenario...what can you tell me about them as civilizations in the game,????? what kind of tech and military powers make them exalt as a Civ in the game????? And where can I download them??/ link please...... By the way, I want to take the opportunity to tell you that, a few days ago,I got in communication with one of your top modder's team members from the forum, but the man look very busy.... and he hasn't written me back...and I don't want to bug him neither.... But I do really want to let you know...that I'm looking for someone to help me polish the scenario for testing, fix any bugs, and for publishing on line, so people from all over the world can play with it.... In my personal life I am a Commercial graphic designer and have my own print shop ( close now by the way...because the virus) so I have been like a month working on the design of the map and have a few Ideas about the concept...that constantly change...but....I'm learning as I go.......and I do reckon that I do really need someone that know his ways around the game...for real man.... and know it's design engine, programming, triggering, and have a huge imagination... bigger and better organize than mine....mine is insane....LOL........so you know, to make it happens.... I'm putting a lot of love on it, man, for real......I do really think it will be a great Scenario because it will be educational for it's histical content, for all players from the start. Players will start with some buildings and units in the regions that really represent that region of the world....and a map like this one...if is done right by the right people...will kick ass....I'm sending you a preview...take a look and tell me what you think....what can make it better??....if you like what you see....let me know...and let's make it happens, tell some of your brothers at the forum about it..in case you can't, is cool with me...may be one or a few of your brothers may do...let them know........ and thanks for your time and attention Yakaterina....that name of your sound cool..where you from???? Here is a small preview of how is looking so far....thanks.
  17. Hi Everyone, here is a preview of the Empires At War scenario that I am building for 0 AD version 24, using it's Atlas Editor... The scenario is build for 8 players with 10 civilizations to chose from, each with its very own geopolitical advantages and disadvantages base on their geographical starting areas on the map. The map itself is a gigantic graphic caricature of Central Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa, Western Canaan and Anatolia, that is base on the real history and geographical location of each of the civilizations in the scenario. The O AD Empires at War scenario is pack with many resources, wood, specially...a lot of it....fauna details, relics, treasures and buffer states that need to be conquered in order to keep expanding and waging war on your rival empires. All those buffer states have treasures for whoever take them that will help you enhance your civilization and keep waging war and expanding across the map. The objective of the scenario is to conquer all your rivals civilizations and become the last one standing. The scenario's map is Gigantic, and it may take days or weeks for any new player to win, and many hours among group of players with more experience. But you all can set the Scenario to be play as a solo game, and set the alliances and enemies as you like, played, and save your game, so you can keep playing other day. You can also modify the map as you like, change the terrain, the starting positions, units, buildings fauna, as you like. Or add others that are not in the scenario for not been participants on that region of the world at the time this historical base scenario take place. I am building the scenario using geographical and real History info to give to it a Historical feeling and make it an educational historical scenario while fun at the same time... But no one need to play my design scenario in its vanilla form if they don't like it, with the Atlas editor, everyone can change it and modified as they like. Here is a preview of how it is looking so far... Let me know what you guys think. Suggestions are always welcome. Here is a preview of how it is coming so far... Thank you all for your time and attention.
  18. Hi Everyone, here is a preview of the Empires At War scenario that I am building for 0 AD version 24, using it's Atlas Editor... The scenario is build for 8 players with 10 civilizations to chose from, each with its very own geopolitical advantages and disadvantages base on their geographical starting areas on the map. The map itself is a gigantic graphic caricature of Central Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa, Western Canaan and Anatolia, that is base on the real history and geographical location of each of the civilizations in the scenario. The O AD Empires at War scenario is pack with many resources, wood, specially...a lot of it....fauna details, relics, treasures and buffer states that need to be conquered in order to keep expanding and waging war on your rival empires. All those buffer states have treasures for whoever take them that will help you enhance your civilization and keep waging war and expanding across the map. The objective of the scenario is to conquer all your rivals civilizations and become the last one standing. The scenario's map is Gigantic, and it may take days or weeks for any new player to win, and many hours among group of players with more experience. But you all can set the Scenario to be play as a solo game, and set the alliances and enemies as you like, played, and save your game, so you can keep playing other day. You can also modify the map as you like, change the terrain, the starting positions, units, buildings fauna, as you like. Or add others that are not in the scenario for not been participants on that region of the world at the time this historical base scenario take place. I am building the scenario using geographical and real History info to give to it a Historical feeling and make it an educational historical scenario while fun at the same time... But no one need to play my design scenario in its vanilla form if they don't like it, with the Atlas editor, everyone can change it and modified as they like. Here is a preview of how it is looking so far... Let me know what you guys think. Suggestions and tips from all players, specially those with more experience and knowledge than me, about the game itself, are always welcome. Here is a preview of how it is coming so far... Thank you all for your time and attention.
  19. Hi Everyone, I am working on a map project with the Atlas editor for 8 players or against the AL. I named the Scenario 0 AD Empires at War, and this scenario cover the period of 300 BC to 250 AC, In the Mediterranean and Central Europe during those times.... The concept for this scenario is to put all players close to the Geo political situation of each of the main 9 civilizations of the Mediterranean and Central Europe during that period. For example... The Athenians start in Greece and have all the buildings including a wonder, so the Egyptians as well....but can they keep it??? Because they are surrounded by other civilizations that have some new advantages to take on both... Or you can play as the Gauls...in their case, they are surrounded by other hostiles tribes, and will have to defeat them all in order to expand, same for the Romans, who start with a strong army, but a little city in the center of the Italian Peninsula, and will have to deal with other Italian states in their borders before taking on everyone else... Those are just examples of the Geo political situation of those civilizations in the scenario. Each player will need to conquer a couple of Buffer states close to their National borders in order to expand and fight other players. I am looking for players with experience, so they can help me with suggestions and map testing... I am new at 0 AD...got the new 24 version of the game a few months ago, I already played a few games with the AL to learn the ropes... But it is the scenario editor what really got me hook , because of all the beautiful scenarios and art that can be created with it... I am a lover of Military History, and specially the classical age... And 0 Ad as game have become a dream come true for me... I love the game..... Here is a preview of the whole map for the scenario, I have been working on it for 3 weeks and is not ready yet... I am adding a lot of stuff, from relics and secret passages to fauna according to the different regions of the map ... The Map is a gigantic one by the way pack with small fauna details. Here is a panoramic picture of how is looking so far, all comments and suggestions are welcome... Thank you all for your time and attention.
  20. That very like the battalion system in Rise & Fall : empires at war.
  21. I mean in Rise and Fall Empires at Wars, have to make a group of soldiers can fight as a single unit formation.
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