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WFG Programming Team
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Everything posted by wraitii

  1. Hi, new poster ( French, to make things more lame ), and I just read about the last 30 pages of this topic. I must say passable forests seems like a really great idea. I even think that to normal "units", that is basic soldiers or stuff like that ( small human shaped stuff ), any forest should be passable ( or it would be so dense that you just couldn't get in at that time (0ad) by any mean, even for wood cutting purpose). I know you guys are quite far in the coding process ( and particularly the pathfinding stuff, since going through a forest would juste be a nightmare to code, if you want units to avoid trees ), but that really would make this game awesome ( it's already, get me right, but boy that would just rock ). I'm pretty sure I played a game where some units could go through forests. Must have been scouts in RoN. RoN was such an innovative RTS ( and an amazing game imo ), I'm still amazed that it has left no real legacy.
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