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Everything posted by wraitii

  1. I'm not too sure about the CG compiler... And I'm not sure it would work given the architecture of the shaders themselves. It would be efficient, but for robustness, redoing them is probably the best way. I've committed the fix for the waterShader branch, it should work but there might be a place I forgot. The modelMapping branch will have to wait as I've started coding the Parallax stuff.
  2. Could be. Try adding TEMP temporary; MOV temporary, 0.8; just before the POW line( using POW fresnel, fresnel.x, 0.8; ).
  3. Actually, since it's two inputs, but one output, it should work. The thing is that it seems to consider that "1.0" is not a scalar, for some reason... On my computer, there's no issue, which further baffles me.
  4. @Zoot: and by changing to POW fresnel, 1, 1; ? @Myconid: that would be an option. I'll look into that.
  5. That's strange... There is no reason for it to crash at this particular point. You're sure you haven't changed anything? Does it work it you replace the line 76 with something like: POW fresnel, 0.5, 0.8; (I mean: no error. The result should be slightly messed up). @myconid: given that you're using a "while" loop, I have no idea how much I'd need to roll... And anyway the basic ARB shader also hasn't have an "IF" statement. I'll try with the extension and we'll see.
  6. Okay, I've pushed the changes to the Modelmapping Branch. I've tried cleaning things up as most as I could, it should work still, but again, I'm not 100% sure. You will need to set "calculateTangents" to true in the game's config file (I haven't changed the warning set by Myconid, but it should now work). Specular and diffuse normal mapping should be visible on the model Rome_Temple_Mars 2, not yet on terrain. @Myconid: seeing how much trouble I've had with the two (in the end, fairly basic) patches, I'll try to give a look but I wouldn't swear I can do that. Edit: water patch doesn't seem to fix #966, sadly. Edit2: there may be hope for parallax mapping if the computer supports the GL extension "GL_NV_fragment_program2", which came out in 2004 (and which my computer supports, so that's nice).
  7. Haven't checked, but I would guess no. That would require to handle the shadow matrix differently, I think, which I have not done/changed.
  8. Yeah, I've used windows endlines and not unix endlines. Fixed it now, but I didn't bother to when committing that. FYI, in that file, the only stuff that's changing is at lines 675/676/677/678 .
  9. It's quite allright . The water shader should be available here. I changed the GLSL script to give the same result as the ARB shader, but I'm not sure I haven't forgotten something so if the GLSL shader acts weirdly, report. I'll look into the modelmapping issue now.
  10. Thanks for the help. I'm off to eat, I'll try to push the water shader code in the afternoon. In the meantime, here's an album showing the differences.
  11. Okay, so I've ported the water shader to ARB. It's been surprisingly straightforward, this time. The code and everything else works nicely, however, I'm not too sure how to push that to github/wherever... I'm not used to those things. Any tutorials/guidelines? While the water patch is extremely neat (the 3 shader files, and 4 lines modified in terrainRenderer.cpp), the other patch might be more messy (as I tried stuff, I may have modified tons of little things here and there in a few files). I'll check if it fixes the water bug on my MacBook Air when it's finished copying. BTW, I might give a shot at slightly improving the shader... The waviness factor is used in very weird ways.
  12. Yeah, from the looks of it I might be able to do a simple parallax, but I'd really doubt that given the very basic capabilities of ARB. I might be able to port the water shader, again, perhaps fixing that one bug I mentioned. I'll look into the GLSL problem, however. There's hardly a reason for it to crash that way. Edit: also, I must do the terrain specular/diffuse mapping, and perhaps give a look at trilinear texturing.
  13. Many maps get Out Of Memory errors on very large maps... It doesnt always crash, however. I also think that we should restrict some things based on maps and map settings. 8 players on a tiny map should not be possible/expected to be messy.
  14. I'll try to do the water shader for ARB first, and I'll then try to push that.
  15. Allright. So I've gotten normal mapping to work with specular and diffuse lighting, but parallax mapping requires loops/conditionals, which ARB doesn't allow as is. I also failed to use the secondary set of UVs for AO. I don't think using the '08 NVIDIA extension would do any good...
  16. The problem actually came from me completely messing up my transposition... I fixed it and it appears to work. I'll just have to check if it's the right direction.
  17. I'll trust you on that one. Making some progress, but I wonder if there's something wrong with my normals, it doesn't react like i'd have expected it too... SHowing the normals after transformations, I get this. It sure isn't completely wrong, but it feels sort of weird (the marble in front for example… Why is it split in two?) Do you think this is correct? Also: you transpose the matrix (for the normal calculation). I'm not sure why... Apparently, it changes the behaviour of the vector*matrix multiplication done later. But as none of these two functions exist in ARB, you must do it yourself, and I'm not sure it's needed...
  18. Allright, it looks like I've managed to do it by passing to to ColorPointer (apparently unused by instancingModelRenderer or ModelRenderer). I'll see if I can do something with that.
  19. @Myconid: Yeah, that was part of the plan I had... Only I'm not completely understanding the "pointer" argument, and I'm not sure I can pass that as a texture coord. I'll ook into it, I can perhaps pass it as a secondary color. @Zoot: I'll see that when I get it working. I wonder if converting the water shader to ARB would fix #966/#1380.
  20. Actually, it looks like you're using glVertexAttribPointerARB() to pass the tangents to the shader, and as it happens, I do not believe this function does anything to the ARB shader... I'll take a look at the code and see if I can use an alternative for the ARB shaders.It's not as complicated as I initially thought. Edit: Nope, complicated indeed. I've understood how to pass a new uniform, but the tangents are stored in a weird pointer thingy that uses the GLSL only "VertexAttribPointer" function... It probably can be replaced by some variation of "glVertexAttrib4fv" but I have no idea which exactly.
  21. Looks like it's a bit of a mess... And IIRC you calculate tangents on the fly, which may require GLSL in the first place.
  22. Doesn't seem to change anything. You seem to give the GLSL shaders a "a_tangent" matrix/vector used in normal mapping... Any idea how I can get the ARB shaders to use it?
  23. Played around with the shaders... Setting a_normal as the output color. It flickers.
  24. That's what I'm saying. It is indeed fairly weird that a_normal is messed up... I'm using a Geforce GT 120, with 256 Mo of vRam. My macBookAir, running 10.7 (on a Intel HD 3000) doesn't seem to have this problem. Can't tell if it comes from outdated shaders, or the GPU itself. Edit: Okay, got the specular to work on ARB. Moving on.
  25. I looked around a bit. The blinking problem actually comes from the "a_normal" parameter being completely messed up when using glsl on my computer. Even the regular alpha does it. No idea why. I'll try to see if I can port your glsl shaders to arb, which seems to work.
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