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Posts posted by Sukkit

  1. You make a good point... Think that we use a very small part of our brains, yet only with that we have some mental 'powers'. Now, imagine an immortal being with time to develop his mental possibilities up to 100%, and not only that: his brain is inherently more powerful (potentially).

  2. I don't know. The fact that Tolkien wanted Tom to be an enigma doesn't mean he didn't think of the solution to that enigma himself.

    Just like when he used the name 'Glorfindel' for the Elven lord of Rivendel shown in LotR, then realized there was another Glorfindel from the First Age tales, who furthermore had been killed in single combat with a Balrog, and he came to the conclusion that they were indeed the same person and that it was a case of reincarnation (which was known to be possible but there were no examples). I think Tolkien probably thought of Bombadil until he reached a coherent answer to the enigma.

    It's the same with Ents. Tolkien wanted some 'adventure involving trees', and that was all he knew at first. Then the vision evolved through the evil Fangorn, a Sauron's agent, of the initial layouts, to the Entic race. And that evolution was introduced into the mythology.

    In my opinion, just like the Ents were, in some way, pre-existant, so was Tom - there's no doubt about it -, and similarly Tolkien would have had to find a coherent solution, even if he chose to kept it private.

  3. Sindar are the first age Teleri civ, but Quellion's only working on the Noldor set right now.

    What would you prefer over this hairstyle then?

    Heh, I don't know. As I said, the pictures are great.

    By the way, Noldorin Elves had grey eyes too, didn't they?

  4. When I heard they were making the movies, I rushed to finally get the LotR books, which I hadn't read. On June 2001 I read LotR for the first time. This was because I knew that reading the books after watching the movies wouldn't be the same. I think I was right.

    As Adam, some mental images have been altered. Some aren't. For example, when I read the books I don't imagine Aragorn to be like in the movie, but more of an old-looking, weary man. Movie Frodo has somehow stuck but Merry, Pippin and Sam remain 'pure' in my mind :lol:

    My vision on Elves has not been changed at all. I'm not sure I like the movie Elves.

  5. I'm not sure I like the hairstyle of the male Elf. I didn't like it for Elrond in the movies either.

    I would make the female quite paler.

    But these pictures are great nonetheless. I'm only nit-picking.

    PS: I demand grey eyes! Even if they won't be seen in the actual game! :lol:

  6. The way I see it, if we manage to make this game exactly like we're conceiving it (which is impossible for any game :lol:), every civ will have a unique way of playing. An invincible Noldor player could be worthless playing with the Dwarves. Probably the Edain will be the most 'normal' civ, the best for beginners.

    I think my favorite would be.... Forces of Darkness. I mean, attacking with a bunch of poor orcs and slaying elite Elven troops, raid their beautiful cities with a horde of warg riders, and then literally destroy everything around you for your economy... That's beautiful ;)

  7. I do think Sauron could possibly prolong the life of the man, didn't the other Vala prolong the life of the Numenoreans?

    No, Sauron couldn't do that. The Valar couldn't do it for the Númenóreans, it had to be Eru himself (itself? :lol:); much less could one of the Maiar do it, even if he was probably the most powerful of all (with permission of Melian and Olórin/Gandalf)

    I don't think he was immortal either. I doubt the power rings had that power. Dwarves don't experience any life extension when they wear them, although that might very well be because of their nature. But see Gollum - he was practically destroyed by the ring, and he only had it for much less than an age ;). Even Bilbo was already starting to suffer its effects.

  8. Rohirric is the exact same Language as Anglo-Saxon

    My inner language nerd alarm went off, sorry :lol:

    Rohirric has nothing to do with Anglo-Saxon. Anglo-Saxon was just a convenient replacement to show Rohirric's relation with Westron (a more archaic tongue, although not really an ancestor like Anglo-Saxon is to modern English)

  9. Just a note, Valinor was never supposed to be America, because that would require some further explanation as to what happened to the Valar and the Elves after its definitive separation from Middle Earth. Valinor (and Tol Eressëa) became an entirely different world, only linked to Middle Earth by a road that only Elves (and seldom some human like Earendel [not Eärendil at the time]) could follow. A bit like another dimension, we'd say now.

  10. See, I can understand leaving Tom Bombadil out of the movie, or other stuff like that, due to lack of time. What I cannot understand is making the movie even longer by adding magically made-up scenes at Osgiliath. It wasn't that difficult to end with Shelob and remain loyal to the books, in my opinion. That, and Faramir (who became a Boromir clone), is what I hated the most.

    But also the Elves at Helm's Deep. Helm's Deep is a minor battle, not the massive clash it's made to be in the movies. Yes, it was cool to watch, but still.

    The whole Aragorn-Arwen thing is quite dull the way it's done.

  11. I  think i have to get my hands upon the "Annotated Hobbit" by Douglas A. Anderson, which delves deeply into the creation of the Hobbit originally as a by-product of the Professor's lore. cool stuff.

    Absolutely recommended, for everybody.

    My favorite scene would be the dialogue between Bilbo and Smaug. Makes me want to read Beowulf!

  12. Elven ears in the movies are slightly pointed, and so are the hobbits'

    The only clue we really have is found in the Etymologies:

    LAS- (1): Quenya lassë "leaf"

    LAS- (2): "listen"

    A note to the first entry says: "Some think this is related to the next and *lasse "ear". The Quendian ears were more pointed and leaf-shaped"

    This is an old source, in many ways obsolete. But in the Lord of the Rings this parallelism still exists: see Legolas "green leaf", and Amon Lhaw (which is a Sindarin form derived from the second root).

    So, in short: yes, slightly pointed ears.

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