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Posts posted by Sukkit

  1. Thanks Adam! This is great :)

    Hey, it's good to see my idea of using Primitive Quendian would be acceptable even for linguistic gods like David Salo. It's strange he didn't use Valarin, though.

    I also have a new respect for the movies now. I'll need some time to read and analyze all this, but I wonder if we should take this into account for our own Black Speech?

  2. I liked it very much - as a movie. But had they been more loyal to the books (I'm not even thinking of the final scenes in the Shire, fighting against Saruman's thugs - in my opinion that wouldn't work in the movie) it would have been better.

    Things I liked:

    - The initial scene about Déagol and Sméagol

    - The charge of the Rohirrim (IMPRESSIVE)

    - The charge of the Gondorians to retake Osgiliath, while Pippin sings to Denethor (yeah, pretty much invented, but, great)

    - Shelob

    - Beacons

    - Aragorn and the dead king (this wasn't at all like in the books, but I liked it)

    Things I didn't like:

    - Sauron's eye.

    - Visual @#$%ions, like Legolas & the Mûmak (pffff, like, suuuuuure), or Sauron's army completely surrounding the good guys at the Black Gates (again, suuuuuure)

    - Where's Mouth of Sauron? I loved that tiny part in the books.

    - Elrond

    - The dead fighting in Minas Tirith.

  3. 3th age noldor spoke Quenya i believe, when the fellowship arrive in Lorien, Fordo coudn't understand what they said so the Galadhrim have another toughe then the Noldor

    That was due to dialectal differences (and due to Frodo not being too good at Sindarin). Quenya, as a native tongue, was abandoned in the First Age.

  4. For the Petty Dwarves I'd use Khuzdul, the same Khuzdul as for the other Dwarves, because Khuzdul changed very little throughout the ages, and probably in the First Age no major difference could have appeared. Only - if anything - small dialectal changes, not worth making a new list / language set.

  5. Well, for Elves we can create our own names, probably. It's not hard, and we know the style their nomenclature followed.

    For Dwarves, remember that we need Scandinavian names. Even better if we can take them out of Scandinavian literature, like Thorin, Balin, etc.

  6. Like Adam said, when I read TT I imagine ents to be similar to Trolls (as seen in the game Age of Wonders, for example), but with branches and all that stuff. After all Treebeard believes Trolls to be an imposture of Ents, just like Orcs are to Elves. Yes, Tolkien denies this in his letters - but it gives a hint about their general look.

  7. Hmm, that's true... I never thought about Thorondor implication on this.

    This brings the issue of how much of the First Age tales are later Elven legends, and how much of them are historic accounts... Because something isn't quite right here! :)

  8. There's no way Morgoth could be gigantic in proportion to Elves. Remember Morgoth treads on Fingolfin's throat. If he was so big, there's no way he could fit his foot there, and much less without killing Fingolfin in the spot.

  9. That's a very good idea.

    Once the game is finished (and assuming I've upgraded my computer so it can run the game), I guess the only way I could get this would be sending money to someone to make me a CD copy - my 56k modem in a networked computer would take centuries to download it. :)

  10. Over time the Valar eventualy abandoned the use of Valarian in favor of quenya.

    (at least according to Mans Bjorkman)

    They used Quenya to speak with the Elves, because they thought the Elves should create their own words and develop their own languages, instead of simply adapting Valarin.

    Tolkien's views on this varied greatly, and for some time he even explicitly said that the Valar didn't have a language of their own, because they didn't need it to communicate. But I think the 'final' (as final as it could get, it's Tolkien we're talking about :)) decision was that they spoke Valarin among them, the crafting of a language being a necessary act of an incarnate (remember the Valar were incarnated after all).

  11. When I read 'black' I'm not thinking of absolute black, [0,0,0] colour, you know :)

    I'd go for a very dark green for Uruks.

    By the way, we should look for some info in The Hobbit on Bolg and Azog, because, in retrospective, they were probably most definitely uruks. We shouldn't trust The Hobbit too much, but it may come to confirm some info found in LotR.

    About the tracker - remember that Orcs were bred, much like dogs, for a particular purpose. A dark-skinned variety, used as trackers, makes a lot of sense, as Adam said.

  12. Lol, nobody remembers the famous Belgian Dutroux case? Ofcourse it didn't get more attention, but that's because it was in Belgium. Nationally the whole case did get tons of attention, even resulting in huge protest marches all over the country.

    Of course that case was on the news here (although I barely remembered it until I read your post...). Actually it's only with cases like this that Belgium is on the news :)

    As for Michael Jackson, he's a parody of himself.

  13. Well, ABBA isn't exactly what I had in mind :)

    More like Millencolin, Satanic Surfers, Hellacopters...

    EDIT: I really didn't expect many people to like S.A.; they aren't exactly the kind of band that is too popular, you know... it's fairly extreme music, although with a nice, subtle touch of melody and feeling.

  14. Check this:

    Soziedad Alkohólika

    Hardcore/thrash/punk from the Basque Country. Practically without any promotion they get to sell up to 40,000 records with any release (golden record being at 50,000), they have a vast and loyal amount of fans. Intelligent and politically-compromised lyrics, speed, and good humour.

    The site is in Spanish, so I'll post the links to the public MP3 here:








    I especially recommend the first three songs.

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