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Posts posted by SMST

  1. Why I used latin was beucase it shulled work both for troia and greek. But if you translate it I really apreciate it :).

    Well, I don't know Hittite, but since the Troian legend is based off Greek literature, Greek terms would work for both, I guess.


    Militis -> Aichmetes (means: Spearman, Spear-warrior)

    Hasta iaculis -> Gymnetes (means: light warrior, naked warrior - Greek skirmishers used to be naked at that time)

    Gladiatores -> Heros (means: warrior, hero)


    Hastatus -> Doryphoros (means: Spearman, Spear-bearer)

    Sagittarius -> Toxeutes (means: archer ; archaic version of the more modern "Toxotes", which is used in 0 A.D.)

    Miles -> Machetes (means: warrior)

    More later, when I'll grab out my Homer-specific list of words. There should be enough military terms.

    And that with horsemen I thought like this: Then training a unit you get a complete troop. And better units gets a smaller troop. Just for making it more balanced.

    So ... you create units in batches, similar to Rise of Nations?

    The picture looked awsome :D it really gives me ideas!

    Yeah, Shumate is a genius.:D

  2. tbh, I think that the unit names should be Greek rather than Latin. If you want, I will translate the terms into Epic Greek, the language used by Homer in his epics.

    I would also represent chariots as uber-units, given that they were restrained to nobles in that age. They could make the second Greek fortress unit, along with the elite infantry. (I think that the Myrmidons would fit there quite well.:))

    If you want to be absolutely correct, then you would leave out horsemen as well, but if you want to keep them for style, I won't complain. They should be light and weak though, heavy cavalry action (charging) should be left for chariots.

    This is a cool artwork that might be a good possible look for Aiax as a Greek hero: http://community.imaginefx.com/fxpose/john...ture209538.aspx

  3. no, no, i mean change China into East Asia or Far Eastern (encompassing countries like China, Korea, and Japan, which are of similar descent iirc and which can be differentiated by technology like what you already suggested for the Mediterraneans to create such civilizations as the Greeks and Romans) while India becomes Subcontinental or South Asian (more for consistency in the naming of your factions than anything else)

    Oh. Well, you are right about consistency. Japan and Korea are still culturally different from China. Because of the nature of the Far East (natural barriers etc.) there was not that much of a cultural exchange between the different countries as we have them today. (save Japan and Korea) Still, it might be worth having them in. The main reason why I wanted to focus on China alone was that they would be perfect for a classic "mass over materials" faction, which doesn't really apply to the other two.

    Ok, looks good! If I were you I maybe combine the 2 and 3, and maybe 4 and 5. Just my opinion...

    It has to do with gameplay (which is different for each faction, similar to 0 A.D. Also, I'd like to have the Barbarians seperated from the Romans/Greeks (so that they can fight them, of course) Same goes with Feudal Europe and the Byzantine Empire.

    The Steppe and India (South Asia) are very, very different both culture and playing style. The Steppe faction will focus around light, but powerful cavalry (horse archers) plus some quite heavy cavalry (Mongol lancers), but little to no infantry. They are good for a rush/raid strategy.

    India, on the other side, is primarily defensive. Strong ranged units (Indian longbow), strong architecture, powerful religious units and, of course, war elephants will give them a good edge if they are attacked.

    I'm still not sure about the Mediterranean issue.

    1. Let the player choose at the end of the Byzantine empire if he wants to continue the game as either Westerner or Mideasterner. (which would kinda ruin the idea of differentiated factions)


    2. Evolve into a seperate european nation - which? Russia springs into my mind, but the playing style would, again, be very different, since Russia was not really known for his heavy infantry, which is what the Mediterraneans are primarily famous for.

    Any help? :)

  4. Since most scholars today agree that the historical Troia was connected to the Hittite Empire in Anatolia, you may be best off researching about the Hittites to get an inspiration for Troia. Also, remember that the Greeks in the Troian war wouldn't be like the Hellenes of 0 A.D., but belong to a earlier period of Greek history.




    A typical helmet of the Greek Bronze Age, as described in the Ilias and found in numerous excavations.


    A Hittite relief showing a warrior


    An artist's interpretation of a Hittite warrior. The walls in the BG may give you an idea for the walls of Troy.


    A reenanctment page for the Bronze age.

    The respective armies on a miniatures page (which has lots of different ancient and medieval armies, so it might be worth a look)




  5. a couple of suggestions: change China and India to East Asian or Far Eastern and Subcontinental or South Asian. this way, you can also encompass korea and japan in Eastasia/Fareast and gives some consistency to the naming of factions

    The very reason I didn't do this was because it is hard to find paralells, culturally and militaristic, between India, China and Japan that would justify to have them in the same faction. Especially India is way off, Japan and Korea are related to each other, but there is no real link between all four.

  6. Factions:



    Middle Eastern





    1. Stone Age (5000 - 2000 BC)

    2. Bronze Age (2000 - 1200 BC)

    3. Iron Age (1200 - 500 BC)

    4. Classical Age (500 - 300 BC)

    5. "Hellenistic" Age (300 BC - 400 AD)

    6. Dark Age (400 - 1000 AD)

    7. Medieval Age (1000 - 1400 AD)

    8. Renaissance Age (1400 - 1600 AD)

    9. Colonial Age (1600 - 1750 AD)

    10. Enlightenment Age (1750 - 1820 AD)

    11. Industrial Age (1820 - 1920 AD)

    12. Atomic Age (1920 - 1950 AD)

    13. Information Age (1950 - 2000 AD)

    14. Global Age (2000 - 2050 AD)

    For a comprehensive overview.:) (I did post the ages one page ago, though)

  7. you should have a seperate Sub-Saharan African civ which would encompass countries like Ethiopia/Abyssinia, Somalia, South Africa, the Congo, and the old Mali Empire

    Yeah, but not in the first version.:) At the moment, six factions seem enough.

  8. Ok but thats good! :) Have some sketches or models on the buildings/units?

    No specific sketches, though I have shitloads of artwork of all periods from the net on my PC. Also, I found someone to make some textures. I just need to lay down my final concept.

    I've also combined the North African faction with the Middle Eastern one. That means there will be no visually distinct African people, but since the Middle East and North Africa were and are strongly culturally linked, it makes sense to treat them as one. For the sixth faction that is now left, I thought of taking India, which would be very interesting (war elephants, religious system etc.)

    If anyone comes up with an idea how to evolve the Mediterranean faction into the future, I'd be glad.

  9. Or Devotio, one of the Iberian super units.

    That sounds rather good. I don't know anything about the Iberians despite the fact that they inhabited Iberia and some stuff I read in the very history pages of the 0 A.D. webpage, so I cannot contribute any ideas this time, I'm afraid. :)

  10. Ok, but it´s will be easier to just make like 2 factions or 3 or 4. And it would probely become somthing if doing that (at least faster). But it´s your idea so if you wanna make it have fun then doing it :P

    Well, 2 factions are a bit meager. I think I could start off with just Western, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and North Africa for now and see if I'll add Far Eastern and Steppe People later. However, 6 factions are not too much, I think. (I had 20 in the beginning, see.:))

  11. Loot of talk less work... just kidding but seriosly are you guys serious making like that much ages/faction it will take more then years, it will take centuries..... just kidding :P but will you guys make it or is it just a dream?

    I wonder whom you are adressing with "you guys". It's really just me for now, plus some helpful advice from some other forumers.:P

    As for your question, yep, I am at least trying to make it. I am well aware of the fact that it is much work and I'll be probably failing, but at least I'll have fun planning and trying.^^ It's not that I would be starting from scratch, either. Most of the core gameplay mechanics will come from 0 A.D. Vanilla. What this is really about, is art and scripting for all the factions (for which I have someone in the future, at least for textures) and some programming for things like flying units (aircraft). I'll also make it step by step. Which means: The lower ages, up to the fifth age, are really just about making new artwork and XML-Files, because of the flexibility of 0 A.D. All animation for spearmen, swordsmen etc. are already there and can be used. There will be a needeventually for new animations and models and finally for new programming, but I hope to make enough cool stuff to attract people who can do said things with the assets of 0 A.D. :)

  12. Both methods have positives and negatives, I can't really choose between them. I'm happy with resource shuttling, unless gathering auras are added later and prove more entertaining.

    I was quite happy with the aura thing, because it would fit my ideas for ARCHÉ better, where I wanted to introduce "Mine" and "Oil Derrick" buildings, which would have given the player access to the respective ressources in the area around the buildings. It's kinda hard to justify citizens gathering oil via shuttling.^^

    I would play against you in a multiplayer match, but like the vast majority of RTS gamers I only play singleplayer :P

    I played AoK online with some friends once or twice. That put aside, I am also a singleplayer person.:)

  13. The new menus are gorgeous yet functional, though they don't have a consistent art style yet. I agree with you about the ships (and look out for siege engines, there are actors included that give a glimpse of what we might expect in the future!)

    The ressource shuttling is nice, but that also means that the team abandoned the game concept of gathering auras - or if not so, please correct me.

    The garrisoning is probably the greatest new feature in my opinion, because it adds more strategical depth to the game. Now the tower buildings serve a purpose at last. Ships are now useful too, in that they both attack and transport units over water.

    So ... with Cebereus I may try 0 A.D. Multiplayer, eventually. Anyone who likes to have a little match with a total noob in regards of online matches? :)

  14. Do you plan to make tanks have cool cloaking devices at A.D. 2050?

    The Global Age will be modern age military, maybe spiced up with some "futuristic" technology that is still prototype in 2010 A.D., but in development and technically possible. There will be no lasers, floating tanks or killer robots, no sci-fi, so to speak. I don't know if "cool cloaking devices" are currently in development for tanks, but I'd appreciate sources.:) If they are possible and realistic, they might be in.

  15. I could also just number the ages, like EE2 did. (though I didn't like that solution) If I use set archaeological/historical periods, it would perhaps be too limiting. This would be a rough guess, though:

    1. Stone Age (5000 - 2000 BC)

    2. Bronze Age (2000 - 1200 BC)

    3. Iron Age (1200 - 500 BC)

    4. Classical Age (500 - 300 BC)

    5. "Hellenistic" Age (300 BC - 400 AD)

    6. Dark Age (400 - 1000 AD)

    7. Medieval Age (1000 - 1400 AD)

    8. Renaissance Age (1400 - 1600 AD)

    9. Colonial Age (1600 - 1750 AD)

    10. Enlightenment Age (1750 - 1820 AD)

    11. Industrial Age (1820 - 1920 AD)

    12. Atomic Age (1920 - 1950 AD)

    13. Information Age (1950 - 2000 AD)

    14. Global Age (2000 - 2050 AD)

    I used round numbers here simply because it looks better. I think it is quite clear which date stands for what period.

  16. Much better. I would recommend that you call the "Imperial Age" perhaps the "Conquest Age". I would also recommend calling the "Stone Age" the "Patriarchal Age" too.

    Patriarchal Age is too obscure even for me, sorry.:) Not sure about the "Imperial/Conquest Age". Maybe this specific age would be called differently for each faction, which would in this case be "Hellenistic Age".

    What do you all think about the faction merging? Would it make gameplay too inconsistent/complicated? If so, what are everyone's ideas for a pre-modern/modern evolvement of this Mediterranean faction?

  17. Plans for the Mediterraean Faction so far:

    Stone Age: Generic early Mediterranean cultures.



    Bronze Age: Mycaenean/Minoan culture. Chariots and first appearance of armor.



    Iron Age: You can choose a subfaction here (Greece/Rome)

    Greece: Dark Age/Geometric Greece. Chariots and first cavalry units side by side. Early hoplites.

    Rome: Early Republic. Strong Etruscan influences. Designed in a way that it could resemble any early Italian culture



    Classical Age:

    Greece: Classical Poleis. Hoplites in their prime. Disappearance of Chariots. (replaced by skirmishing cavalry)

    Rome: Late Republic. Polybian army. (hastati/principes/triarii - basic/advanced/elite)



    "Imperial Age" (this needs a better name)

    Greece: Hellenistic Armies. Phalangites&hetairoi cavalry.

    Rome: Early Empire. Classic Marian Legionnaires. Auxila infantry&cavalry.



    Dark Age: The subfactions merge again into a common Late Rome/Early Byzantine style.



    Medieval Age: High Byzantine Era. "Greek fire" ships. Cataphracts.



    Renaissance Age: Late Byzantine. Increasing importance of mercenaries. First gunpowder units.

    After that, the Mediterranean faction either merges into the Western and the Mid-Eastern faction (dependant of the player's choice) or evolves into a seperate Russian faction (which is justified historically since Russia saw itself as heir of the Byzantinian Empire, but would be a bit hard to justify gameplay-wise since the Russians are not really known for high-quality infantry)

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