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Posts posted by fabio

  1. Since we have the same hardware, I guess it must have worked with fglrx.

    I think fabio had a similar problem with the same driver before... I'll test out a couple of ideas to fix it (hopefully before release) and maybe I could get some feedback from you, if it's okay.

    I had the same problem indeed, but I am using mesa r300 driver, not r600 (they share a lot of code anyway so it's probably a mesa issue).

  2. When using fglrx (the proprietary driver from AMD) the system often freezes with this error when debugging:

    Fatal IO error 11 (Die Ressource ist zur Zeit nicht verfügbar) on X server :1.

    This means "Resource temporarily unavailable".

    The radeon driver does not have this bug but its performance is much lower.

    On Acropolis 1 I get around 44 FPS with fglrx directly after starting and only around 16 FPS with the radeon driver.

    I'm using a Radeon HD 4670.

    I could try newer versions of both drivers or I could try the radeonhd driver but I wanted to ask first if anyone has similar problems. Do you think it's normal to have a so much lower framerate with the radeon driver?

    I've red that its performance is a bit lower but that seems to be quite a lot.

    It's normal, the 3D driver is mesa r600, radeon and radeonhd are the 2D drivers and you should not use radeonhd, 3D doesn't work with it.

  3. That probably explains this whole issue :P I'm assuming you're not using GLSL but rather the ARB shaders? Leper found out the other day that there are no ARB shaders for those water effects, which was causing crashes when loading maps with the wonder and using ARB shaders, so until those shaders are written he's now made those water effects not render at all for the time being. So in case you are using ARB rather than GLSL shaders what you are seeing right now is intended, and hopefully explains the original issue as well :)

    Yes, I am using arb indeed, which anyway is the default.

  4. I like this idea. For one thing, using XML would eliminate the need for having our own custom parser, and it's a fairly flexible format. The tradeoff would be slightly less readability for people who don't understand XML, but an in-games options menu would mostly negate that concern.

    Another excuse for a separate game settings, menu and game GUI overlap @ standard windowed mode (1024x768):


  5. The forum changed the link you posted. Here are the fixed code.

    This is what happens on sauerbraten:

    <iframe width="400" height="320" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EsTkLZhMI0I?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    This is current 0 A.D.:

    <object style="movie" value="allowFullScreen" value="allowScriptAccess" value="http://youtube.com/v/gDndZn0YPdI?version=3" type="true" allowScriptAccess="640" height="360"></embed></object>

    This is what YouTube suggests when clicking on the previous video to watch on YouTube, right click and "copy HTML...":

    <iframe width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gDndZn0YPdI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    This one looks like the sauerbraten, other than the missing ?rel=0. Can this last one be used rather than the current one, since it is what YouTube suggest?

  6. I want to report a problem I notice with YouTube video embedded in the forum (using latest Firefox here). It seems that the forum always force the video to be played with Flash, even if I choose to use YouTube HTML5 when available.

    Just as an example see this post with embedded video. It plays with Flash on the forum, but when clicking to see it on YouTube the video is also available in HTML5/Webm. I have this problem only on 0 A.D. forum, see for example the video embedded in sauerbraten web page, it's correctly displayed in HTML5 mode.

    A possibly related problem is that when using my slow netbook video embedded in the forum make the page hugely slow. When the video is displayed in Flash mode in YouTube is pretty fast, so I suppose it's the forum it's embedding YouTube videos, possibly related to the forced resizing applied to the video:

    <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px">

  7. That's usually a problem with overzealous email providers blocking email from us, or perhaps autogenerated emails in general. I've had issues with my WFG email account, so I haven't received the notices lately, but perhaps Aviv has. In either case, it is definitely worth trying to change the email address associated with your Trac account. (Especially if you have an @gmx.de/*.net email account as that seems to be one of the most troublesome email providers.)

    After a couple of hours after reporting this I get all mails of last week. Probably someone saw my report and fixed it, unblocking the trac mail server.

  8. Having a look at the Tutorial AI it looks this is not a real AI but rather Triggers over "Unassigned AI". Would be possible to generalize the Triggers so that they can be used with any AI on any map? I was thinking at asymmetrical maps, where the computer opponent start with a big city with an "Unassigned AI", and after you reach the city phase the AI changes to Aegis.

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