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Posts posted by Klaas

  1. I don't support a unification of Europe the way they're doing it now. The changes these days are too drastic, just ask the Belgian farmers for example. If it's continueing this way there won't be any farmers here anymore, except for a few huge, rich companies, because all the European money will go to our new members.

    Partly I'm ok with financial support for our new members, we did it with Spain and Portugal too, but not the way it's done now. A lot more money is going to the other site, and in Poland for example it's invested in huge farming companies, not the small poor farmers who actually need it.

    Neither should Europe become a clone of the US (socially, legislative and economicaly), since (you have to admit as an American) the social system in most of our countries are a lot better (although not good enough). We are also not one nation and will never be, because Europe is more diverse in cultures. While America is very diverse too people feel more united since they are or were all immigrants, which is not the case here.

    As for economy I think it's a bad thing here to make everything private (railways, education, public transport, hospitals, energy, etc.). In the UK for example it's very obvious this doesn't work. It's a pitty that all we have fought for in the past is getting ruined more and more.

  2. yeah really cool band Sukkit. That's the kind of bands I admire, who care more about the idea behind music than promotion, money or popularity.

    Second band:

    Baby Woodrose

    These guys are from Sweden, the ultimate European country for garage rock/punk. Add some psychedelica to it and you have a great sound.






  3. I voted shooter but strategy and rpg are very close. I like games that suck you into it, like Mafia for example. Must have a great story, almost no limits and look very realistic. Mafia is pretty close but after you finished the game you end up with a boring free ride mode that could have been more interesting if you could actually enter buildings and interact more with people. GTA3 is better in that area but I don't like the graphics that much (well nothing will actually beat Mafia I guess).

    Call of Duty is also such a cool game but you can't really do much besides completing your objectives. Not enough story and too much shooting imo.

  4. The purpose of this thread is to expand your musical knowledge by introducing bands or composers you like. I'm not talking about music we all know, so obscure bands are preferred, since the point is to expand our knowledge, it's not a "list your favorite bands" thread.

    If you introduce a band or genre it's preferred that there is a site with some music samples available. It would be cool if we could listen to the music, always tells a lot more than someone's commentary.

    Ok here's the first one I'll introduce:

    El Tattoo Del Tigre

    Very well known in Belgium, probablty the hottest live act we have at the moment. They play a mix of mambo, exotica, latin and jazz. It's not the normal modern band, actually it's a huge big band with lots of horns and percussion. The shows are fantastic. Not just a boring band playing, but with lots of fun and interaction. They even have Brazillian dancers and two guys known from tv telling jokes between the songs.

    website: http://www.eltattoodeltigre.com/

  5. Tim, you don't mind this is going OT?

    Yep, today there still aren't any real democracies I think. My country certainly isn't one, it's a parliamentary monarchy. Europe isn't one either, the commisars (or whatever that is in English, I'm referring to the European ministers) aren't chosen by the people but by the European parliament if I remember correctly.

    Imo the US (for big national politics) isn't one either, since afaik you need to either be rich or have some big companies behind you to be able to have a high position.

    Germany seems to be close to a real democracy though, and perhaps some other European countries too. Not that sure about France, seeing how the last presidential elections were. But then again, that's maybe a flaw of real democracy, chosing between the bad or the worst (Chiraq or Le Pen).

    Well, it mostly depends on how you define democracy methinks.

  6. Yep, I also didn't like Classic Masterpieces that much, until I was taking an art history class. There's actually a lot more to a painting by for example Rubens or Titiaan than just what you see. For example a painting of Charles V by Titiaan after a battle he won against the Lutheran kings (can't recall the name), just seems like a normal portrait, but actually it's a whole story. A few example are where he's looking, it's as if he looks further than everyone else, and we know his ambition was to become the Catholic Emperor of all Europe and defend Catholicism at all cost. Another thing is the spear he has in his hands. It's the spear of Archangel Michael used to kill the dragen, where the dragon represents all that is not Catholic.

    Michael, I'm not talking about what a piece of art is worth financially, but rathe artisticly. It seems that today art is more and more judged by its price instead of the art itself. In the days of the romantics like Delacroix or impressionists like Toulouse Lautrec (one of my favourites) it was about their art, certainly not about money. Toulouse Lautrec lived quite a miserable life in Paris while his family was from very rich nobility. That's what I admire so much about certain artists, that they give up everything for their art, sometimes even their happyness.

  7. Well you kind of stated what I don't like about today's youth, Icy_Tripod.

    Yep, those technological advances are nice, but I think we would be better off without some of those things. I have a cell phone, but I hate the thing. I don't need it but my parents bought it because I have no phone where I live. Almost everyone I know has one, and 1% actually needs it. All they do is sending rediculous messages. The most annoying thing is that when you're talking some people simply take it out to send a message, or even more is that when somebody sends you a message you're supposed to answer right away. Well I never do and hardly answer because I have to pay the bill. I don't want to pay for such stupid things, so I use it to a certain minimum.

    The thing is that today's youth is imo getting way too much materialistic. Many young people I know work during the weekend to be able to pay all their materialistic needs and to go out 4 times a week. That's quite stupid, it would be better if you just learn to live with less instead of finding all possible means to get money.

    I just guess some people should lighten up a little and realise what's the essence of life and that not everybody has the same changes in life as they do.

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