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Posts posted by Klaas

  1. Yep I agree Desmond, this won't get through.

    Quacker, what you do now is stereotyping. Indeed more women than men are more emotional, but that doesn't mean they all are. There are some women perfectly capable of holding high positions. Anyway two examples:

    Bush: I'm sure most people agree he's not a great president. Of course it's not all his fault, but he simply isn't intelligent enough.

    Thatcher: Ok, she was close to a monster, but she proves that there are also women who are very cold and totally unemotional.

  2. Yep I agree with you Jordan. But it just doesn't apply to all minorities, only very few. It's like with women's rights you said previously, sometimes they go too far in it like for example forcing political parties to have 50% females on the voting list. But I just think this shouldn't make you believe that many people (minorities, females, etc.) aren't treated anymore as inferior.

  3. Racism is stupid and so is counter-racism in some way. Actually it's very easy: the same rules for everyone.

    I'm sure though that the black and hispanic minority in the US does not have the same chances as the white. I recently read an article that many blacks are in prison or have a criminal past. Is this because they are black? Of course it's not, go back to the slave period if you think that, nuf said.

    Again it's quite simple, although the sollution isn't. It's because they are poor, and they are poor due to many circumstances. For example their historical background is already one of poverty. They also don't get the same chances as many white people have, etc.

    The same thing for Belgium, among the foreigner here you have a lot more criminals than around the Belgians. Again because of the same reasons.

    But we're getting rid of it, and that's one great difference we have with the US: we have cheap/free and high-quality education and we have social security. Our universities are among the best in the world, and it's only 480 dollar each year. If you're poor, your parents have a small family or if you come from a big family the state will pay for your studies, you'll probably only pay 80 dollar at most.

    If poor people would actually get the chance to get educated things would change. But in a system where higher education is only for rich people the problem will keep rising.

    Btw, if you want to regard blacks, hispanics, or in my case morrocans and turks as positively discriminated minorities you should live for a while between them. I'm sure your opinion will change after a while, there's a lot more about it than the news papers, politicians or other ignorant sources say :)

  4. Mainly it's one thing, the rest is merely a result of this. I want to change something to this world, although it may be very small, but atleast I would like to make the life better and happier for some people.

    I study because I think you can't understand worldly problems in a good way without having a decent background and pool of knowledge.

    I do webdesign because I like doing it and maybe for a future job, because I would like to be self-employed. That way I have more freedom and maybe time to devote to other interests.

    The most important thing I guess is being able to have my own little family. Yep I'm still one of those old fashioned guys who wants to be happily married and have some children. :)

  5. Yep, rock'n roll is pretty much the rock of the pre Beatles era. It's quite different in fact, compare the early Elvis to any modern rock band and you'll have something totally different. Actually rock'n roll is more similar to rhythm & blues (the earlier, black version of rock'n roll) and rockabilly (the later more country based version).

  6. Hmm I dunno, I think it would be far worse for him to be sentenced for live instead of being killed. They are a lot more severe on him now though, his prison is really small and the light is on all day and night, so not much sleep for him :)

    But you're about the judicial system, it sucks here too, should be more severe imo. It's getting better though. We had for example the Van Noppen case.

    I think in the US giving cows hormones (so they grow a lot fatter and much faster) is allowed. It's not here, and if somebody does it he'll most likely be sent to prison for a while. Van Noppen, a vertrenarian, was on a case like that, but he was murdered. The 3 or 4 that were guilty were almost all sentenced for life, so a big step forward imo.

  7. That's the problem, kids take celebs as role models while they are the least that should be this (maybe apart from some politicians :P).

    Lol, nobody remembers the famous Belgian Dutroux case? Ofcourse it didn't get more attention, but that's because it was in Belgium. Nationally the whole case did get tons of attention, even resulting in huge protest marches all over the country.

    For those who haven't heard of this or were too young (I was 11 years old back then): Many girls in Belgium got missing. In Wallony the someone heard children's voices out of a cellar and the police went to investigate. Two of the missing girls were found in the cellar, heavily abused. The other girls were found too...in his garden, burried. Dutroux is probably, atleast here, one of the worst cases of child abuse we ever encountered. But there was a lot more to it.

    Actually Dutroux was already prosecuted a few times for child abuse. The first time they let him free after a month, the second time they also let him free if he went to a psychiater once and a while. He didn't, but the police just let him go. During that month he was in prison two girls were in his cellar. But since he was in prison he couldn't give them food, so they starved to death.

    So, basicly our police and judges are also guilty in this case, that's why there were all those protest marches.

    What's even worse, after 5 years or so in prison he escaped!! It was in Neufchateau, where all the documents concerning his case were. He asked to look through them and they allowed him to do it. He was only escorted by two police officers, so escaping wasn't really that hard. Fortunatly they caught him back a day later.

    Anyway, a pretty disgusting situation imo. It's a lot worse than that, but that would be a long story which I'll tell maybe next time :)

  8. You left out many genres. I voted other which would include:

    surf, rock, rock'n roll, rockabilly, rhythm & blues (not r&b, I mean the more r&r like blues of the 50s), blues, jazz, latin, mambo, bebop, big band, classical, some movie stuff (morricone, mancini), bossa nova, folk, klezmer, some rai, garage rock, 60s beat (especially the french, but The Kinks are cool too), drum & bass, some electro stuff, etc.

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