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Posts posted by Sirindu

  1. Hmm...that's interesting. But...don't Christians pray...to God Himself? Where did this thing come from of sending prayers to other people? And why?

    Yeah, this is pretty much what I'm talking about here. Why DOES anyone still do this? It just disturbs me, I guess it's because nothing is ever mentioned in the Bible about praying to anyone other than Jesus/God.

    Didn't Jesus say that HE was the mediation between one's self and God? So why would anyone think they needed further mediation? It simply does not add up.

    By the way, I'm really happy that so many people from different walks of life posted in this discussion. Thanks for contributing! I wish we could get some Orthodox people in here, is anyone Orthodox?

  2. Curu, about ALTARS (thank you for correcting my spelling error ;)). I thought I had the name right, but I guess what I am thinking of is called something else. I'll have to ask some Orthodox friends I know, and see if they know.

    What I am reffering to is a table, or something similar, where people place (in their HOME) pictures and paintings of Saints, Jesus, Mary- this is what I was reffering to.

    I also agree with Adam and Rober by the way.

  3. Well there is a difference between making grand paintings and such and then making the same things and putting them in... extremely prominent places in a church- including, but not limited to, on the (what they call the) alter where Catholics pray.

    But that was an interesting point, thank you. ;)

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