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Everything posted by sneaky_squirrel
Will there be some kind of RMS map like AoM's RMS?
sneaky_squirrel replied to rjs23's topic in General Discussion
Correct me if I am wrong, but last I heard, this game is freeware ;p. -
How fast are boats gonna be?, realistic (Semi slow) or uber fast?
The problem is the forums are a bit slow around here (For me), but since I got myself a new DS game I'll be pretty busy ;p.
Just don't push yourselves too far, but hurry up! (Mixed signals) It is also ncie to get a response from the team other than mythos ;p. Keep up the good work.
In other words, more you buy...cheaper units? ;p I don't care that much about the economy stuff though, as long as there are territories and diplomacy, the game is gonna be as interesting as it can get, VERY. OFF TOPIC: I didn't know you guys had a sister site (Reverie).
I see, so you plan to make many things dependable on the player's economy, would be funny to see an empire borrowing money from another while paying interests, lol ;p.
I was just joking, Im sure this won't take any more than 3 years.
Sounds hilariously funny, but does this make reference that women were raped by the horsemen?, because I seriously can't put barbaric horsemen and women together with a different conclusion ;p.
oooh so the production speed of your military reflects from your own economy, sounds like fun ;p. Hmmm I wonder how the economy could possibly influence the method, oh well we will have to wait for that to develop. Awww no brainwashing priests, oh well gameplay always goes before history, if I recall correctly, in ancient Rome priests had the unworldly ability to brainwash people and to summon titans ;p. So you guys think this is gonna be ready to go in 5 years?
Thanks, also yes I meant to say "unique train METHOD" sorry about that ;p. Do you also plan to include any sort of scouts or miscellaneous unique units that do very uniqe tasks such as the "spy" units in EE? What do the priest units do in the game (Morale, brainwash, witchcraft = heal)?
Tech tree system sounds intriguing, I think I read it here that you had to choose either one or the other with each having their different bonuses and weaknesses. Questions How big are territories are gonna be and how many will a map support approximately? Could you by chance have already confirmed or thought of a posible unique train XD? Do units move on ship (Not like walk, but like do their idle animation where they mess with their hands and stance instead of being petrified like stone)? You got any idea how the editor is gonna work? (In game made triggers or test scripting)
Now that I think about it, there isn't much concrete information on basic gameplay planned for the game on the site, are you avoiding putting up any specific information in case you have to change it later and don't want us complaining why you changed it?, or am I looking in the wrong places ;p.
The dragon sounded really cool, if I were to make any scenarios, I'd love to have "sand/desert creatures to work with to add objectives such as an old man telling you "don't go down that path or a big scary monster will eat you", and the player being so surprised by being swallowed up by some kind of rancor XD. And maybe some kind of stone golem (A bunch of stone structure shaped limbs put together moving in an automaton like sentient eeriness). Plus, for the shrine, it is such an interesting theme you could expand on, maybe make variations such as a greek shrine, a roman shrine, a shrine of strange non human architecture 0_O, or even better yet, a giant sacred tree (Would be really cool to see a giant trunk in the middle of a village surrounded by villagers. A robot 0_O. Monkeys are essential to random crap (I'd love to see monkeys). Squirrels? A flying machine. A caravan cart. Various flags. A sea monster (To kill the ships in a kickass animation like a kraken in AoM by constricting it, maybe an octopus or sea serpent). Serious Suggestions (Doesn't mean you can't consider the above ;p): Broken Bridge (Wood and stone) Wooden bridge Stone Bridge Various flags.
Care to enlighten us or will we be kept in the horrible, cold, frosty, relentless darkness.
Sounds super special awesome.
That's why I suggest maybe some small damage (Maybe 1-5 % Max HP?), half HP sounds drastic as well ;p, but yes I know from experience how horrible it can be. This brings up another question, will you have realistic fire? (EE has odd 2D like fire) Also how fast will infantry be trained (In one's like many games, three's, five's like in AoE3)? If they were built in numbers at a time, you could have both cav, chariots and elephants be trained in smaller numbers at a time as well, also will elephants actually live to see the day, unlike in AoE3? Elephants would be awesome if they were uber slow, powerful behemoths, not moderately fast, decent hp, and moderately strong, ooh if there are elephant archers maybe the archers could auto attack while the elephant itself keeps moving. Capture method, it would be very interesting watching my men over take the enemy building shouting rabble, rabble, rabble, and 5 minute later have it under my control. Plus outposts, are those units in the screenies towers or outposts?, it would be interesting to have weak outpost in which if you mounted a unit it would greatly increase that unit's LOS as if he were a watchman. I'm guessing the stable has a horse on display, if it does, does the horse actually have an animation to make it look real, unlike in AoE2 where you had really frozen horses. You guys got some kind of ballistic siege or pure catapults? Will there be like hill movement?, when a unit climbs a steep high hill he will move a bit slower (Would add tactics in positions if there were to be ever any hills in a map. How many players is this game planned to haul (2, 4, 6, 8)? You guys still decided what bonuses will territory exactly give? In EE2, houses were limited to 6 in each territory and even gave bonuses to their territory in addition to the population increase, maybe you guys could do something similar, like a resource drop off bonus at every warehouse and the territory's settlement. How much population is this game planned to hold (Decent 200, large 400, epic 1,000)?
Considering you guys are in the process of making units, I think it would be best if you figured out a counter system already ;p. I personally would love to see something like AoE3 but with classifications to siege and artillery like light and heavy, heavy could be to siege and light to take care of infantry while being semi cheap and not too difficult to mass, make catapults own everything at range and ^&%$ at close combat XD, maybe even make cavalry archers good vs something else besides hand cavalry, maybe against hand infantry. If you do have a counter system then I can't wait to see it XD. (Hopes it to be semi complex to take advantage of).
Sorry for bringing this topic back up, but it irritates me that the metal icon is so dull ;p, if it will not be called gold at least give us something besides an anvil int he icon, maybe a pile of gold coins with a sword, helmet, hammer, shield and maybe that anvil ;p, and rocks, a mix of these guys in a single pretty to look at sprite. Also do different mines have different gather rates? (Stone, rock Pile no bonus, iron and steel 5%, silver, and copper 10 % bonus, gold 25 % bonus). And are the corrals that auto gather food when animals are inside still in the game, it sounded like an awesome idea in the screenie.
I am guessing this is the suggestions section of what we would like to see. First of all, I thought of an awesome idea which could be devastatingly funny ;p. Happened to my cousin twice which made me laugh so hard, first in some LoTR game, one of those really tall towers fell because the enemy attacked it with siege and it fell right into his epic army, everything was lost. Another similar situation in Empire at War, where a single vehicle totally ran over his men instantly killing them ;p. Collapsible buildings, Devastating Accident: Whenever a building is destroyed, all units hit by the falling debris are killed or damaged. The point of this would be for the besieging player and the defending player to watch out for buildings collapsing over their men, imagine the devastation of tightly packed cities crumbling over villagers, since buildings are not so tall, the effects wouldn't be so devastating but would add a fun factor. Is this already implemented or impossible to do? I also saw in EE some kind of feature where they had burning arrows which put affected buildings in a burning state for a while which could spread to adjacent buildings, so archers could successfully siege, wood buildings would be devastated while stone buildings wouldn't burnt hat bad maybe. Burning buildings: There could be various methods to burn buildings, maybe with men throwing torches directly, archers throwing flaming arrows or catapults throwing burning boulders, the fire would slowly decrease building HP besides burning units in a very small radius where they are practically adjacent. If this were implemented, perhaps a special power or ability called "The Rain of Fire" requiring like 20 archers where they do a massive arrow volley of fire XD. Lol I just got uber inspired, also this game is still ind development phase right?, where new features are still possible to add and such, I also loved that river suggestion I saw many posts back in this thread where men could swim across rivers ;p.
Will "boarding" units actually move to the other ship and do battle or stay in their boat while the units on the other boat are being damaged?
sneaky_squirrel replied to sneaky_squirrel's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Well what I meant form not hearing from this sooner is, I am actually in Purple Design Studios from a long time ago, and I knew I saw Mythos' name somewhere XD, maybe its cause the 0AD section is like completely blank on the site...anyways I found my way here thanks to robot entertainment releasing screenshots which were posted in a thread discussing a possible AoE or AoM remake and a guy randomly advertising this game. This game is so intriguing since I am recently into territories and diplomacy (But EE2 still s%@#s at gameplay), so I am looking into this, by the way, does this game have advanced diplomacy? (Being able to ally, be neutral and be hostile towards different players), wait, oh dang I have so many questions, must post in some kind of questions thread of consult FAQ. But still one question I must ask here, how many people know about this game? *runs away looking for FAQ* -
I welcome you to my insignificant presence in your great home. But I still can't figure out I haven't seen this thing sooner, do you people bother advertising? (Probably not since the game isn't near complete), anyways I can't wait for this game to be somewhat release in beta. I love all the features you "plan" to include, especially the running and the territories. But enough about you, lets talk about me for a second, my name is...not pronounceable in your language, but I am 15 year old male to give you an idea of my image ;p. I look forward to playing this game, if only I had something to offer, too bad I can't program for the time being. If not greeted this will probably explode