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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Quacker

  1. Can you provide an example script of a related project?

    In-game screenshot of a CC logo: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Case_Studies/0_A.D.

    Haha name a related project.

    Um...let's see. Most of what we've done here has been corporate videos, promos and such for companies. Usually 4-8 minutes long. I'm guessing this (now dubbed Overview Video) is going to be about 30-60 sec. I'd make it something along these lines:

    Embellished, generalized words about history/gaming.

    Sentence or two about the year that never existed/historical fiction of the game. "What would have happened if all the civs were pitted against each other at their prime?"

    Transitional sentence to cross-platform feature.

    Sentence or two about open-source (read: FREE and REDISTRIBUTEABLE!) and why it's open-source.

    Transitional sentence bringing the call-to-action of needing help in the following areas: (list)

    History is yours for the taking. (-this is the "motto," correct?)

    I do like the quote on that link, Jeru. Maybe use part of it in the "embellished" section.

    "Games should allow gamers to learn how their games work, change them, share them and redistribute their works. This freedom to tinker is what Free, Open-Source Software (FOSS) is all about and so we hope a lot of people tinker with 0 A.D." — Wildfire Games

    edit- Searched around the site and this page has some nice examples of embellished generalizations (the creed) http://wildfiregames.com/0ad/page.php?p=1728 Why reinvent the wheel when there are some things already made?

  2. Question for the artists/modelers-

    How feasible is it to whip up a Linux Penguin, Apple, and Windows logos to place in game, to comically show off the cross-platform goodness?

    Jeru, good main points. I like their order. Do we have a staff writer, or someone who can make a script from these? I could, but I'm certainly not much of a writer.

  3. Stupid Safari crashed so I lost my post...

    I like what you said in the original post- having several different videos.

    Who here can write up a script? Something talking about 0AD in layman's terms (so that your mom would understand), and then a "call to action", asking said mom for her help in making 0AD, whether it be through her dormant AI skills or through her cold, hard cash.

    I think there should also be an "epic" trailer, like the one from 2007, but updated to show off the latest and greatest.

    What about a history piece? WFG has been around for what, 10-12 years? Maybe showing the project's progression on the part of those who have put in many hours, for free?

    edit: Haha nice Pureon, looks like we're on the same track ;-)

  4. Ok, so I quickly blazed through the read of this topic, and I think we need to start at square one - if I'm right, things in-game have changed even since the first post of this thread.

    Where are we on this? All the posts are a few months old. And it looks like that atlas guy hasn't posted anything but the "give me stuff" one.

    If we (yes, we :) ) want an official trailer, what do we want in it?

    Just captures of gameplay? Inclusion of artwork, concepts?

    Do we want it to be a Promo/Teaser or a gameplay trailer?

    Any kind of text elements (quotes, stingers, silly one-liners?)

  5. Hey chums,

    I'm geeking out over here loving actually compiling something. I think this is the first time I've ever really used Terminal...like, ever.

    Anywho, something that needs to be added to this page:


    is a link right under "Install Apple's XCode for your system" pointing the user to also install Java Developer Package, linked here:


    The developer package is required for the sudo port install of a couple items, specifically during the libsdl and wxWidgets port installs.

    Cheers. Oh and I'm also looking at creating a package installer to put up on the website for the alpha. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm not a developer by any means (as one could tell from my Terminal comment), but I've got a little know-how.

    edit - sorry Mod, I just realized there's a forum for 0AD problems and such. Feel free to move it in lieu of my blindness!

    edit2 - a packaged installer has already been made and linked to on another thread. Here's the link, if someone wants to update the main website with it:


  6. Apps I've downloaded and use frequently on my MBP:

    http://www.stuffit.com/mac/expander/download.html - opens sitx files - very nice!

    http://www.slappingturtle.com/home/files/iAlertU_0.18b.zip - use the remote that comes with the Mac to make it a car alarm

    http://virtuedesktops.info/ - Very handy if running multiple programs. Quick shortcuts swap between desktops. "Spaces" will basically make this obsolete (or even more powerful, depending on what you're doing) with the release of 10.5

    http://handbrake.m0k.org/ - Freeware DVD ripper. Need I say more?

    http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/17709 - Comic maker. Take pictures and make them look like a comic book. Not incredibly useful from day to day but I enjoy throwing one together for my video crew after a shoot.

    Enjoy your Mac - I sure do. I just wish I had money now to get Photoshop or Illustrator...

  7. The inset's corner by the leaf looks less rounded than the other 3.

    Maybe with the picture furthest back - include a shadow over the red background. The main part of the whole thing has a shadow over the red background, and the pictures have a shadow over the main part, so it'd make sense...i think :)

    Is the bottom of the page going to have the main part go straight to the end, or will it be like the top and be inset from the red background?

  8. Ah, main quest is over...I think its much shorter in comparison with Morrowind....but then i've still got all the factions to take care of...plenty of playing time still to go!

    Wow Mehrunes Dagon scared the junk outta me when i rounded the corner...lol...

  9. Haha...yeah, Bob Jones has females play parts. We got some people from New York (professionals) to play the parts of Margherita, Faust, and Mefistofele and then students and faculty played minor roles and crowds. We even had dancing and so forth.

  10. I didn't ever really care for fine arts such as operas, concerts, and plays. But recently, after going to a school play at a friend's high school (Oedipus Rex), some concerts here at Bob Jones University, King Lear last semester, and the opera Mefistofele (very excellent! got goosebumps at some of the choir parts) just last night, I must say I'm become a man of the arts. I'm very much enjoying opera and plays. I so wish I could have gone to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra playing of selections from Lord of the Rings last year.

    Later this semester (right before graduation) we have Twelfth Night, a Shakespearean comedy.

    Sabba, Sabba, Saboe!

    What's the varying views on fine arts here? Any plays, operas, or concerts that you guys have been to that were simply amazing?

  11. Hehe, I like that. "In my current opinion." Mine used to be "war war war! kill them all!" but as I progress on this earth it tends to tone down and mature (I guess that's what college and aging can do to you ;)).

    I agree pretty much with your view. (Oh, lets not make this a debate over the current war...i'm much to tired of hearing about that). War is basically like punishment methods. If everyone could follow Christ's teachings, we wouldn't need either - utopia. However, since people don't like doing what's right all the time (go figure), there are consequences for their actions, whether its death row, a night in prison, or a war. Christians should uphold what is right.

    Now, what is your view of capital punishment? Again, if a mod deems this need be in a new topic, please do so. No one else is talking here lol.

  12. Caesar, have you ever seen the movie Sargeant York? What are your thoughts on it? If you haven't, what do you think about Christians fighting in wars? (that's the movie's premise, basically).

    If this should be another topic, someone feel free to move it/delete this post. I can't.

  13. Ah, politics. Very good point.

    Like I said, as far as I have learned. Thanks for teaching me more ;) (no, i'm not being sarcastic). Keep in mind that situations such as the Salem Witch Trials were caused largely by superstition and emotions. Many innocent people were killed because people got carried away in the swing.

    Like it's been said, many Americans call themselves Christians. Yet their lives don't show this. People bomb abortion clinics in the name of God and say they're Christians. Christians should do what Christ teaches, and he certainly didn't say anything like that.

  14. A few comments after reading all the posts.

    Freedom and Liberty

    "Help us that our liberty is not the right to do as we please, but the opportunity to please do what is right."

    - Peter Marshall (US Senator)

    While one may have certain freedoms to do as he so desires, this desire may not always be right. In history, the French and the American Colonists viewed liberty differently: the former viewed it as a license, the latter as a responsibility. As a result, the French underwent even more revolutions and revolts (National Constituent Assembly, Legislative Assembly, National Convention with Parisian mob rule, the Directory, and the Consulate giving way to Napoleon's Empire, then the Congress System the revolts of the 1830's, then of 1848). America underwent the War Between the States, and nothing else as far as I know. Freedom is a responsibility to do what is right, not the license and right to do as someone wants.


    Some state that Christianity includes both Catholicism and Protestantism. This is an inaccurate description. The correct meaning of the word "christian" is "one who follows the teachings of Christ." In this case, former Catholicism does not fall under the title "Christian" because of the very things people associate with Christianity - the Inquisition, Crusades, etc. Protestants, Hugenots, and other related groups have, as far as I have learned, always been persecuted for their beliefs and have not branched out in violence for spiritual matters.

    Klaas stated on the first page that "There's a huge difference between an opinion and doing the act itself." I think it's interesting to note that Proverbs 23:7 states, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." The golden rule, which is derived from Christ's teachings (particularly the parable of the Good Samaritan), relates to opinion. It can be reworded: "do to people what you think they should do to you." Christ himself said, "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart" (Matt 5:27-28). Inner opinions reflect what you really want to do. Sure, there is a difference between committing in a murder and thinking about it as far as the outside view is, but on the inside its the same thing.

    Now I have to head out. Those were just some things that weren't ENTIRELY related but came to mind when reading all this.

  15. Now forward this to everyone on your mailing list. Let them see how evil Microsoft is for creating and evil empire and taking the money out of our wallets!

    If Microsoft owns something, they have every right to make it work with only their systems. They didn't hide it - Sys requirements on ageofempires3.com state that you need XP. Don't like it? Don't buy it. Don't bash Microsoft.

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