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Licensed Devil

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Everything posted by Licensed Devil

  1. exstatic superfluous erroneous uhhh...that should keep you going for a while whilst you look them up in a dictionary
  2. Some people just have no taste whatsoever listen to some proper music Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
  3. I hope you mean compliments not complaints...bit of an anticlimax really wasn't it...
  4. Sorry to burst your bubble but no teacher is going to tell you that you were crap...
  5. Your calculations presume you could comfortably afford the nursing home in the first place...
  6. It's my birthday? So that's why 27th of January sounds so familiar Heh thanks guys, wow...16...now I can buy petrol, contraception, and alcohol with meals...nothing new there then Once again, thanks guys, I'm sure one day you might know who you're saying happy birthday too...it means a lot that complete strangers take time to say it
  7. OK, POW#1 one knew because he could tell the other two couldn't work out what theirs were from what they could see. POW#3 didn't know what colour his was... so therefore #1+#3 either BOTH had Black, or one had Black, and one had White, because if they both had white he would have to have Black. POW#2 realises that POW#3 doesn't know, so knows that his could either be black or white because he knows that POW#1's beanie is black, so his could be black or white, so he doesn't know. POW#1 therefore realises that as neither of the other two know, his must be black.
  8. It was night, all the beanies (whatever the hell they are) were black because there was no light.
  9. The magnetic field of the earth will switch before the sun runs out of helium, and we'll either all get fried by magnetic storms or just float off into space...
  10. OK Well this was kinda stupid...didn't really get in trouble with it, for this you need a bit of background info. In the UK in year 11 (That's 15-16 year olds) We take exams called GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Eduction), you usually take about 12 of these exams and they cover core subjects and a few extras etc., anyway, because these are the first serious public exams we take, we take 'mock' practice ones under full exams conditions a few months before, all the teachers take it seriously, but the students treat it like the word 'mock' should be, it's generally ridiculed and no one takes it seriously. Anyway, I just finished a two week exam period of these mocks. They started the day we got back from the Christmas holidays (so we were meant to revise over christmas, as if anyone's gonna do that!), which was a Tuesday after a day off on the monday. The Monday was my friend's birthday (you can see what's coming) and his Birthday, like most of our birthday's, was to be passed by spending the whole day, as you do, down the pub (i suppose yee over the pond would call it a bar, pub is short for public house, not sure if you have these over there). Hang on! I hear you you cry, you're only 15-16 right? Well the legal drinking age in the UK is 18, and you can drink with a meal at 16, (although we weren't eating), so no one cares that much, if you look like your balls have dropped you'll get served . Anyway, day before my o so important public exams, and I spend the whole day down the pub. God knows how much I drank, but it was enough to remove a large amount of awareness of anything, and then the time came to go home. I live just about 20 minutes walk from the town centre (where the pub was) and it was a monday night so it wasn't busy, in fact there was hardly anyone around, which is just as well because i pretty much zig-zagged all the way home, probably woke twice as far as i could have done. The hangover probably wouldn't have been to bad to do exams with, BUT in my infinitely large drunken stupidity, I stopped on the way at what we call a Kebab Van, now I'll find this hard to describe if you don't know what it is, but it basically serves junk food, chips, etc., late at night, it's an english tradition to go and get hammered then get a kebab on the way home. Unfortunately the food i had was somewhat dodgy. Therefore, I ended up the next day throwing up all over the place, and missing my first day of exams, which I had to catch up later. Now my exams are over, I think it's safe to say it's time to end them the way I began them. Well that's pretty much the stupidest thing I've ever done...no doubt I'll come up with something else soon.
  11. I'm guessing they're getting that hollywood basement ready already then...
  12. Alcohol, shedloads and shedloads of alcohol as demonstrated by these two handsome people, once one is out of it on the floor, he couldn't possibly resist the other's advances.
  13. Aerospace engineer eh, let me know what spacecraft you work on just in case i become an astronaut, i'll make sure i avoid them
  14. http://forums.wildfiregames.com/wfg/index....php?act=Members
  15. Let's just say he's short one leg and half an arm
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