I'm a native Spanish speaker and I also find the use of faux-Spanish names for the Iberians bothersome. So let's see how it could look in faux-Basque (even though the discussion on wether Iberian and Basque are related languages will probably never end). I'm no Basque speaker so I used the online dictionary of the Basque Government as a guide (and I ware you, the placement of adjectives is confusing as hell and seems to be as much in front of nouns as after them, so there are probably grammatical mistakes). Also, when confronted with multiple options I took the ones that looked less likely to be Romance loanwords/derivations) //UNITS// INFANTRY Caetrati -> Falkatari (Falcata Bearer) - I admit I made this up. But I think the weapon is more distinctive than the shield. Scutari -> Ezkutari (Shield Bearer) Caetrati Lusitano -> Azkonari (Javelinist) - It's confusing to have both a swordsman and a ranged unit named Caetrati right now, by the way Karsken -> Habailari (Slinger) - Uh, where does the name "Karsken" come from? CAVALRY Caballero Turdetano -> Azkonari Zaldiko (Mounted Javelinist) - This one needs a name change ASAP. The Spanish says "Turdetanian (i.e. Andalusian) Knight" and the English Cantabrian Cavalry! Epones -> Lantzari (Lancer), Zalditeria (Cavalry), Zaldun (Knight) SUPPORT UNITS Ciudadana -> Emakume (Woman) Sacerdotisa de Ataekina -> Emakume Apaiz (lit. "Woman Priest"), Ataekina Apaiza (Priest of Ataekina). Also checked Petrikilo (Medicine Woman) and Sorgin (Witch) Comerciante -> Dendari (Trader) NAVY Unnamed Fishing Boat -> Arrantza-ontzi (Fishing Boat) Barco -> Merkantzia-ontzia (Merchant Ship) - Wonder if "Dendari Ontzi" could be possible. Also Itsasontzi (lit. "Sea Ship") is used for bigger boats. SIEGE Ariete -> Ariete (Battering Ram, no other word available) CHAMPION UNITS Devotio -> Jaierazko (Devoted), Falkatari Jaierazko (Devoted Falcata Bearer) Epones Devotio -> Zalditeria Jaierazko (Devoted Cavalry), Zalditeria Su-eragilea (Incendiary Cavalry, on account of the flamming javelins) //BONUSES & SPECIAL TECHNOLOGIES// Manadas de Caballos -> Zaldi-taldeak (Horse Herds) El Pedregal -> Harritza (Rocky Country), Harrobi-obia (Quarry Pit) - this wouldn't be unique to the Iberians, but I find the name "Rocky Country" strange for a technology Mercenario -> Mertzenarioak (Mercenaries) - couldn't think of another word Falarica del Fuego -> Azkon Su-eragilea (Incendiary Javelin) Maestros Herreros -> Errementari Maisuak (Master Smiths), Iberiako Altzairu (Iberian Steel), Altzairu Berezi (Alloy Steel) Tactica Guerrilla -> G(u)errilla is the only option. Well, even though Spanish and modern the term can be considered universal nowadays, no? (BTW, the proper Spanish grammar of the original would be Táctica Guerrillera or Guerra de Guerrillas, or just Guerrilla) //STRUCTURES// Oppidum -> Hiri (City) Casa -> Etxe (House) Hacienda -> Baserri (Farm, Farmstead) Huerta -> Baratze (Orchard) Corral -> Eskorta (Corral) Centro de Recursos -> Biltegi (Warehouse) Torre Iberica -> Dorre Biribil (Round Tower), Zaitze-dorrea (Watch Tower) Puerto -> Kai (Dock) Templo -> Jainkotegi (Temple, Sanctuary - lit. "God(s) Place") Cuartel -> Kaserna (Barracks) Mercado -> Azoka (Market) Muro Ancho -> Horma (Wall), Horma Zabala (Wide Wall), Harresi (Stonewall, as in castles and such) Puerta Mortal -> Ate (Gate), Ate Hilgarria (Deadly Gate), Ate Mingarria (Killing Gate), Ate Bikoitza (Double Gate) Castro -> Gotorleku (Fortress) Monumento Venerado -> Oroigarri (Monument), Oroigarri Jauresle (Worshipped Monument), Hilobi-oroigarri (Funerary Monument), Errege-hilobi (Royal Tomb), Asaben Hilobia (Ancestors Tomb), Asaben Oroigarria (Ancestors Monument) EDIT: Forgot this: Torre -> Harresi Dorrea (Wall Tower), Dorre Karratua (Square Tower)