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Everything posted by mod_3d

  1. Fishing boats and some other parameters can be customized in the AI/Perta/config.js file sample code this.Economy = { "popPhase2": 80, // How many units we want before aging to phase2. "workPhase3": 160, // How many workers we want before aging to phase3. "workPhase4": 300, // How many workers we want before aging to phase4 or higher. "popForDock": 25, "targetNumWorkers": 800, // dummy, will be changed later "targetNumTraders": 40, // Target number of traders "targetNumFishers": 30, // Target number of fishers per sea "supportRatio": 0.35, // fraction of support workers among the workforce "provisionFields": 4 };
  2. Yes, that solved the issue of unnecessary calculations outside the building aura. But it looks like the stackable effect is from neighboring buildings, not units.
  3. Example aura, but the change calculation heppen even when the units are not near the building. Is there any way to specify recalculation of indicators at the moment of action, and avoid unnecessary calculations? { "type": "range", "radius": 60, "affects": ["Soldier"], "modifications": [ { "value": "Attack/Capture/Capture", "add": 0.2 } ], "stackable": true, "auraName": "Capture Bonus", "auraDescription": "Each Soldier in range increases capture points by 0.2. The effect is stackable.", "overlayIcon": "art/textures/ui/session/auras/attack_bonus.png" }
  4. Added archive with mod to the first post. Changed some settings of AI behavior and unit stats.
  5. The AI has no bonuses compared to the player, other than the ones it already had(ie on the hardest level it's +56% to gathering speed, and trading). Changes For AI : limit of fishing boats - increased to 40 limit of traders - increased to 50 batch size some priorities expanded minimum and target limits for unit recruitment Changes to the stats of buildings, units, technologies and resources apply to the player as well.
  6. Hi! A description of some of the changes and mechanics: Added BOSSY bot +batch size : random number in the range of approximately (5, 30) and increases with population growth +technology manager : increased priority for researching economic technologies from the warehouse, as well as some others + various configuration changes : customizations refer to the level of difficulty very complex + selection of units for rush, etc. increased RESOURCES: increased deposits Each next unit will have some additional bonus, that is, the more units involved, the faster the mining. UNITS: Melee Infantry changed parameters Ranged Infantry changed parameters Added paired branch of technology in the forge. One increases Range and Dispersion, the other decreases Dispersion. The ability to attack buildings is NOT available, but the range for capturing has been increased and a bonus has been added. The Civic Center has access to up to 6 Ram's from the start of the game. Building an Arsenal increases the limit. With these changes, PETRA can be more effective. Foundation Buildings are built with 50 XP and have increased durability. TOWERS Can be built closer together, but increased time to reload. MARKET Resources are exchanged at different rates. Metal is the most expensive. Almost all buildings give a bonus to population so that the AI can scale. NOTE: The mod is in the early testing and balancing phase. It is intended for more advanced players. The highest difficulty level may differ markedly from the vanilla version of the game. Easy difficulty levels look like they should remain unchanged. INSTALLATION: Extract the archive to the folder with mods and activate it in the menu. BOSSY_0_1_0.zip BOSSY_0_1_1.zip
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