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Everything posted by rejoicing

  1. I dont think one should be able to garrison dogs in cc's or fort same as eles. Since there are no humans, they should not have additional arrows. but garrisoning in stable should be possible.
  2. Eles and cav can be garrisoned, why not dogs? = Feature request.
  3. I understand - there are the following problems. If you use progui, then some people say you're cheating unrelated to the fact whether you actually us the 'active' features of progui or not and one would have to check the whole the game to be sure. Boongui if I am not mistaken is not compatible with autociv in the latest version. Also there are differences between progui and boongui, like progui shows you idle buildings which is kind of handy, no?
  4. Without going into the discussion whether is cheating or not. Is there a chance to create a progui fork which has all active features disabled (and which cannot be enabled), such as autostart, unit creation, auto tec and trade? Because I think many agree that the gui is quite nice - and that is not the issue (in the cheating discussion). So maybe that could be a nice compromise. What is your take on that?
  5. Let's assume medium resources If a civ such as romans builds a cc, then it has no resources for a barrack afterwards. For other civs such as gauls, barracks don't cost stone, so they are fine. Can that be balanced, for example, a resource option 'Nomad'? I think otherwise it is unfair if some civs don't have stone to build a barrack from the beginning, while others do can. Remember there are quite a few maps, very stone is not really equally distributed and only a few mines are available. Also for more spicy games with a very low ceasefire time it is a huge advantage. What are your thoughts on that?
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