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Everything posted by RangerK

  1. Borg's mass vs Vali's economy of effort
  2. Borg plays a tough game, demonstrating what I think is a "map control" strategy.
  3. Personal accomplishment. I crossed 2000 on chess.com (rapid rating)!
  4. Will Atrik's Hannibal Destroy Borg's Rome? @Atrik
  5. 4v4, the Great Charge of Borg's Brigade Saves a Nearly-Lost Game!
  6. Balance? Rauls Akazid and Sniper all on the same team?
  7. 0ad-Team West w Rauls vs Team East Akazids
  8. Borg's Team South vs Hakuna's Team North
  9. Here it is. Here's the more recent of the two times that Raffun1969 refused to resign, but abandoned the game instead when he was losing. commands.txt metadata.json
  10. Raffut1969 did this to me TWICE. It seems like a persistent problem.
  11. Higher rated Raffut1969 (1647) quit against me, Rangerk (14-something) as soon as the game started going poorly for him. How do I fix my attachment quota so that I can attach commands and metadata files?
  12. @Stan` - I can go to "my attachments", but I don't see any interface for deleting old attachments, or uploading new ones. Is my account locked somehow? I want to report someone who quit without resigning. Thanks.
  13. commands.txtmetadata.json I, RangerK (1308), beat a much higher rated opponent, AlaricPularic (1546) in a 1v1 rated game. It seems he quit and the ratings never adjusted. It was a really interesting game too. We destroyed each other's main bases. A few screenshots of the action here: https://imgur.com/a/OrBxA26
  14. Thank you to the developers and other staff for this awesome game. 2 very Small suggestions: 1) It would be nice to be able to tab between the fields when logging into the game lobby. 2) When watching a multiplayer replay, when you click on a player's civilization emblem, it opens the structure tree of the previously opened civilization. For example: - watch a multiplayer replay - switch to observation mode of a player playing, say the the Mauryas - In the top-center, you'll see their civilization emblem and you can click it to open their structure tree - Close the structure tree and switch to observation mode of a player playing the Roman - Click their civilization emblem. It'll open the Mauryas structure tree instead of the Roman one. Totally not a bit deal, but nice to have.
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