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Posts posted by RangerK

  1. Sure, but the great thing about adding a few statistics to the post-game charts and tables is that you wouldn't have to watch a replay.


    start efficiency
    commands per second (chart)
    peak commands per second
    intensity time - #of seconds in which there were more than, say, 3, commands per seconds
    barracks idle time in first 12 minutes.

    I think showing this would be great.  Thoughts?

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  2. MOVES PER SECOND - Reacting to @ffm2 's comment on page 1 of this thread.

    Wouldn't it be cool if after a game, you got see a chart of people's commands per second?  That would offer interesting insight not only into skill, but it also might reveal automation.

    You could publish both peak and average commands per second.

    Maybe there are some other statics that would put a spotlight on automation - like barracks idle time, resource use efficiency.

    It seems that making more information public is technically easier than preventing certain behaviors.

    Also - some unit-idle-time statistics at the very start to reveal start scripts?

  3. 1 hour ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    What you have identified as a cheat in the above is consistent with proGUI. The version of proGUI that you see in the mod downloader is required to have compatibility checks on, so all players must have the mod. This was required for the mod to be signed and allowed on mod.io AFAIK.

    The individual behind proGUI has a github where you can get the version that has these checks turned off. This is the version that you see individuals using when they are playing against players that don't have the mod.

    In the SECOND scenario, I'm completely certain there was auto-queuing of unit production.   In the first, the only thing which I can say for certain was a startup script that directed the initial units.

  4. So let's talk about this controversial topic.


    I recently got crushed in a 4v4 at the 12-minute mark.  I watched the replay and popped back into the game before if finished.  I said about my opponent:  "It looked like he used a start script, and possibly auto-queuing too.  His start was sick."

    He said that I'm a sore loser, which isn't entirely wrong -- I was sore about losing so quickly and decisively.  And he said that he wasn't cheating, though I didn't quite use the word "cheating" in my comment.  I'm not 100% sure that such mods are cheating.  I'm probably only 80% sure. 

    When I asked him how it's possible to get all units into the TC, and then simultaneously send them to three different locations, he responded that used some start script, which was exactly what I had said.  I didn't press about auto-queuing, as I wasn't completely sure about it from the replay.  If it wasn't auto-queuing, he was just extremely precise and efficient.  There were only two barracks going at the same time, which is within a good player's ability to do manually, though the timing and rhythm seemed uncanny.


    About a week ago, I got crushed in another game.  (Yes, that's a recurring theme in my 0ad experience.)  Except this time I wasn't sore at all, because it was at the hands of an elite player who often plays in top games.  This time, I watched the replay not out of frustration, but to learn how these top players do it.

    To my great disappointment.  It was completely obvious that he was auto-queuing.  There were multiple barracks producing at the same time but all of them out of sync, and the instant one batch finished, another would form with some different amount -- depending on available resources and house limits.  Also, he had turned on the auto-queuing for javs too early, and the TC production of women was briefly interrupted by javs.


    I'm curious what the status of this startup mod is, and what's going on with the controversial "Pro GUI" mod.

    I tried installing the Pro GUI mod, but it doesn't seem to be compatible with any hosted games.  Is the incompatibility a new development? I remember checking out the mod a year or two ago, and though it was confusing, it worked.  What happened?

    Also, I can't can't find any start-up script mod at all.   And the guy I played just today said he was using one.

    What are your thoughts?


  5. My friends,

    Please check this out - Hungry Horses is live on Android:


    I've been working on this with a couple other folks for about six months.  It's a chess puzzle game that aims, to improve your ability to visualize the knight.  I think it's beautiful, and funny, and engaging.

    IOS version coming soon.  Feedback welcome.


  6. In the replay, this guy who destroyed everybody did something strange.  Before even minute 2, he sent a batch of women to the border of his area.   It was unexplored.   It turned out that there were berries right there. 

    What might be an explanation for this?

  7. My friend,

    I've been working on this knight's path chess puzzle game.  If you have an Android device, please check it out.  We just opened public testing, so you can get the full version here while testing lasts: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.storytellerstudio.knightstour

    I'd love some feedback.  Do your worst!  Try to make my cry.  Try to convince me that I wasted months and thousands of dollars.


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  8. Thanks for the comment @borg-.

    In one of the earlier vids, I included and pointed out the good natured chat bw you and Vali that took place immediately after the game.  So there's that.

    But the clicks, man.  The clicks.  Why not put on your Loco Max mask?  Why not give it everything and then turn to the mob who will never understand what it takes to perform at an elite level, and ask them "Are you not entertained?"


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