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Frederick_1 last won the day on November 18 2022

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  1. Oh well I was stuck by translation, carthaginians are already in the game available.
  2. What are 3 dmg ?? They get 10% more attack...but it might depend on installed mods.
  3. I think some infoscreens while loading are outdated. For example the iberian fireship is only effective against ship, not against harbours, as ist was. But strongest Infantrie unit is true with the agape technology, which can be explored in the military cantine. Then they go to 250 health, with a penality in training time. Silver Shild only yield 220 health. The spartanian hoplite with +10 health bonus is also pretty strong for citizen melee units. With rank they upgrade from 111 over 138 to 172. They also get stronger from 3,0/ 2,5 hack/pierce damage to 4,3/3,6. Their resistance increase from 5/5/15 to 7/7/15 (hack/pierce/crush). No forge upgrade. So they get really cavaly killers. With the hoplite tradition they are much more likely to reach a rank in gameplay compared to other melee. Albeit the potolomies pikeman, when ever they get rank promoted with 157 health and the Ptolomy IV Champion bonus +40% health, they end up with 219 health having pretty good resistance, they become tough to fight in the champion aura. What I do miss on the spartaniens is chamion cavalery, or a replacement. The Siritaki can gather, but like all promoted units their effectiveness goes down. Wood chopping rate of 0,37 for example is little more than half of woman wood chopping. So best they are used for building/repair. When I started with 0.ad Version 0.24 spartans had two special buildings. The stoa and the royal stoa. When you look into the scenario "Laconia" you can still see them because player 1 is starting with each one of them. Albeit.... they are both called "stoa", and not much of use now (okey you can garnison any unit in the royal stoa, this is good when under attack, and they are pretty). They were able to train Thracian Black Cloaks ( see Macedon), as soon as you get into phase two. I really liked that feature of the spartanians. The black Cloaks saved my ass serveral times when I was fighting computer AI on alpha 0.24. Generally it seems to me units were more different those days. From my remembering their walking speed was like the naked fanatics of the gauls. Nowadays they are like all other chamion melee, except for fanatics.
  4. I am using english user interface to be "compatible" to forum etc. But it is not my native language.
  5. Oh, so I did not get that detail in foreign language.
  6. It is Aplha XXVI Zhuganzi where I noticed this.
  7. When playing ptolemies I build a libary which supposes to reduce building cost and time for 15%. But when I built a wonder thereafter, It cost me 1000 metal as usual and my resource counter was lowered that numer. Should be 850, with 15% discount. Other buildings the same, and building a house with 1 worker is the same 30sec built counter starting with 29 sec left as without a libary. It seems to me this is an error, because I do not notice an effect
  8. Thanks to Stan for his leadership. For his gentle style to moderate and his way to give motivation even for small contributions.
  9. I was not aware of that. The name of the game is 0AD, which refers to a later period. So It would be not far to seek for a second roman Series which is picted to a later period. Some day I was examine the "sandbox-Themes" of several cultures, and realize some of them have more designs for heros than you can select in alpha 0.27. Maybe there can be found a way to make them accessible within the 3 hero limit.
  10. Hmmmm....https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_DirectMedia_Layer If it is used in other applications ... sometimes I noticed bad behavior in other programs too. Not all the time.. This is why I thought I need a new mouse.
  11. Now I tried this. dragdelta was set to "2" (dont ask me why). Now that I changed to "4" game is much smoother. Albeit I have to try it in a big battle. At in built up an some skirmish it feels much better. Maybe I need to try new Debian. Hope my graphic card is supported now. But system update always need more timeand preparations, don't want to do this in a rush.
  12. There is an annoyance when you garnison units into a building which is full when you command them to go into the building. They run go to the building -response is looking fine- and on arrival they stand there waiting for better times. They do this even when you have made the building empty. you need to give them another command to go in. Would be nice if there is another check to go in, when they arrive at the building. When a empty building has gotten full at arrival, a second check works, so this should be possible. Just lost a group of promoted archers due to this, albeit I thought they were secured while my attention was needed otherwise...
  13. I use autociv, this really enhances game altough currently I do not use all features, I noticed no difference at install of autociv. Did not bother because I adressed the problem to my old mouse.
  14. Where was my test gone??.. oh it is in the quotation. I use Ubuntu 20.10. Generic nvidia driver, because this was only on supporting 1650super on install. My desktop environment is mate. I feel no difference in windowed or full screen mode, excpbt some Hotkeys which are used in mate. userreport_hwdetect.txt
  15. I do observe this anytime. Altough it is not always that bothering when in combat.
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